The hackers

546 19 3

I'm to tired for this, I will fix it later. It was 6 am when I started writing

Noah forces me inside and handcuffs me to the table. The first floor was black and barely any light.
Me: "What the fuck dude. Let me go, you sick son of bitch!"
Noah: "You aren't going anywhere anytime soon, so make yourself at home"
Me: "my home looks nothing like this. Let me go!"

6 masked man walk up and uncuff me. They pick me up and let me sit on the chair.
Me: "You could have gotten better chairs, poor bitches"

The leader of this "cult" introduced himself as Ryan.

Ryan: " looks like we got a fighter" he grabs my cheek, I push him away

Me: "Get your dirty hands off me you scum bag."

Ryan grabs me by the neck, "If you disrespect me one more time you won't even be here anymore."

Me: "I didn't even want to be here anyways"

Noah: "she's been like this the whole time, can someone please just take her away?"

Ryan cuffs me once again and leaves me with an apple and some chips.

Me: "Really an apple and chips? Y'all are broke as fuck." Why did they need me here, and why was that the quickest greeting ever?

Anonymous: the hacker that's on our sideWhere stories live. Discover now