Chapter 3

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I wake up standing in the middle of a forest. How the hell did I get here?  I think. I look around and realize how beautiful the forest is. I start to walk around, not caring that I could get lost or that I have no idea where I am. 

I feel myself being drawn towards the middle of the forest. As I keep on walking I start to feel a warmth coming from the center. I start to run. It seems as if my body is being controlled by another force or maybe its instinct. 

As I make it to the middle of the forest I gasp. There are four huge trees in a circle , each one slightly different. As I study the trees I notice how they are slightly leaning toward the middle. Almost as if they are protecting something. Then I notice it. In the center there appears to be a pond. It is a dazzling blue and as clear as a freshly cleaned window. I take a step closer to the pond, but find myself wanting to go to the trees first. So I do.

 I walk to the one closest to me. This one is thick. If I would have hugged it, I probably would have only made it halfway around its body. I lean in to smell it, expecting to smell like normal forest trees. But it doesn't. It smells like snikerdoodles and theirs something else. But I can't figure it out. 

I walk to towards the next tree. This one is just as taller, maybe even taller. But much thinner. I could maybe wrap my hands all the way around it. Even though it was thinner it still looked strong and sturdy. I smell it and just like the other one it smells of something you wouldn't expect a tree to smell like. This one smells like freshly made sweet bread and the slightly like how it smells after it rains. Yet theirs one more thing that I can't think off, just like the other one. 

I start to walk towards the third one. This one is a mix between both trees, thick and thin. I touch it and feel that it is nice and light, almost like air. As I did with the other two trees I lean in and smell it. Instead of food smells it smells of warmth and laughter. I'm not really sure how that's possible, but apparently it is for this special tree. I smell it again trying to figure out what the strange scent that all these trees had. 

Then I walk to tree I haven't been too. I look at it then quickly look up. Usually trees are always super tall but this one is different. It easily towers over all the other ones and is as thick as the first one, maybe even thicker. I decide to wrap my hands around it and don't even make it halfway. I lean in and smell it. This tree smells like a campfire does just after roasting marshmallows. But there is still that smell that all the other ones have that I just can't figure out. 

I think about it, really really hard. 

Then it hits me.

It smells like love. But how do I know what love smells like? I guess I just know. 

Wait a second. What am I doing? I am all by myself smelling trees! What kinda crazy person does that? How did I even get here? Why am I here?


I jolt awake. That was all a dream. No wonder I was acting so strangely in there and yet so calm. But I don't usually remember my dreams. 

"Look sleeping beauty is finally awake!" A strange voice says, causing me to jump. I wait for my eyes to adjust and find myself in a chair. 

"Where am I!" I shout. More of a yell then a question. 

"We are on a private jet sweetie!" I hear my mother say. I look around and see that she is right. 

"Why the FUCK and I am on private jet?" I say trying to sound calm but failing by a landslide. 

"Well, we tried to wake you to say goodbye to your friends. But you were fast asleep and I had to carry you out of bed, into the car, and on this jet," My father answers. 

"I'm sorry WHAT!" This has to be a dream, "Wake up, wake up, WAKE UP!" 

"This ain't no dream sweetie pie," A kind voice says, "You are on your way to Song Bird Academy, in fact we will be there in about ten minutes!" I realize the voice came from the speakers. It must be the person flying this jet. 

How was I not woken up? I am usually a really light sleeper. This is not right at all. How did I remember my dream and not get woken up when I was moved on a freaking jet? All kinds of questions swirled in my head, and I really started to think about the situation. First off, why would any parent in there right mind would let there kid be sent to a school that you can't even find on google! Second of all why would they not till me anything. 

I find myself start to hyperventilate. My breathing starts coming in quick short breaths. This is all wrong!

"You are okay, calm down." Says the voice on the speaker. 

"NO! I AM NOT CALMING DOWN!" I am getting pissed now, "This is bullshit! There is something seriously wrong with all of you! How the hell did I manage to stay asleep while someone carried my on a FUCKING JET!" 

"I knew this would happen. Why don't you drink some of that tea in that bottle to your left, to help calm you and your soul down." The sweet speaker voice goes. Hell no! I look at my parents, but they aren't looking at me. Infact it seems like they aren't looking at anything. There eyes are glazed. 

"Are you guys on drugs?" I ask. They both just shake there head. 

"Peaches, you are okay. I need to to calm down and take a sip of that yummy tea," The ladies voice is just so nice. 

"You have a really nice voice," I tell her. It makes me feel so calm and happy at the same time. I want to do whatever she says. 

"Why thank you, honey. Now why don't you drink the tea?" She says. She is just so kind! I nod, forgetting she probably can't see me. 

I reach for the cup and twist the lid open. I take a deep breath into the tea. Mhm, smells like peppermint. Then, like I'm being controlled, I slowly bring the cup to my lips and take 3 huge gulps. 

"That was really good tea, whats the-" My voice cuts off, because I'm suddenly hit with the strongest feeling of tiredness I have ever felt. I feel my eyes start to close. 

As I start to fall asleep, I feel panic somewhere in my head. I squint my eyes in confusion. 

But my tiredness wins the battle and I drift off to a deep slumber for the second sleep. 


Gahh! Sorry I got so into the dream I kinda forgot that I needed to make it short, so Camilla can meet the boys. In all honestly I thought she was going to wake up in the school, but I find it more fitting for her to meet then in the next chapter (I'm not sure why though). Anyways, if you have any questions, want me to fix anything, or add something, I WOULD LOVE TOO! Please guys, I have wayyyyyyyy to much time on my hands. I do promise that in the next chapter Camilla will meet her boys! Please vote! Also could you comment if this chapter was really long or really short, I haven't figured out the length thing yet, lol. 

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