Chapter 9:

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**It will usually always be Camilla's POV at the start of a chapter, but if not you will still know who the POV is going to be**

I shake my head in disgust at the very public display of affection. I saw a look on Katherines face and immediately knew that they were doing that to make me feel a certain way. Jokes on them they were close enough that I got a little bit of energy from them so I guess it was worth it.

"I usually go sit on the table right by the windows so I can still see outdoors while eating" Nicki tells me.

"Alright let's go!"

As we are walking around I take a good look at the cafeteria. It looks like a normal cafeteria with huge tables all spread out around the room. The only thing missing is the place to go get food. As I look around the room again I notice the people. They are all extremely beautiful, Godlike. I take a closer look and notice that some of them don't look fully human. One guy has horns on his head. And there are about 6 people who are more like giants. I assume they are they same type of supernatural as Axel. I look to my left and see this group of people all meditating in a circle. Seeing that in any cafeteria would be weird but it was even weirder because they were all floating and it looks like magic swirled all around them.

Minus the fact that everyone here was extremely hot the rest of the students looked pretty normal.

"Hey Nicki, why do some people look more supernatural like then the others?" I ask, maybe they are more powerful?

"I keep on forgetting your knew to all of this," She starts as she sits down at a table by a huge window, "Every supernatural has there normal form, and there supernatural form. Even the Bigfoots have on, but they just get more muscly. Every once in a while you need to let your supernatural form out. If not you can get really sick, which sucks. Some people like to do that in private and some people do it all the time. There are even some classes where its required."

I nod my head. I wonder how many more things I do not know about the supernatural community.

"Alright how do we get food I am starving!" I can't remember the last time I ate, usually I have to eat a lot to keep up with all the running I do.

"The food should appear any second, it's one of the best things about this school. Some how the chefs know what each and every person is craving and they make it for them." She tells me.

I feel my jaw drop. That is the best news I have ever heard in in a long time! I love food and I am not very picky so this should be fun.

Just as I open my mouth to say something else two large plates appear in front of us. On my plate it looks is a huge burger and fries! The burger has lettuce, tomato, onions, some type of sauce, bacon, the meat patty, and a fried egg on top! The fries also look amazing. I look over at Nicki's plate and see she has the same thing.

"Great minds think alike," She giggles. I laugh then pick up the burger. It's the perfect temperature so I bite into it. Some of the meat juices dribble down my skin so I wipe it away.

With a mouthful of food Nicki looks over and asks, "How is it?"

Instead if answering I take another huge bite. Nicki's eye crinkle as she smiles, but then they look absolutely terrified. I look in confusing at her face and she points down at my food. I look down and almost gag. There are ants and crickets all over my fries. They literally appeared out of known were. I slow down my chewing, making sure there are no bugs in my mouth. It doesn't seem to feel like bugs so I quickly swallow. I look around the cafeteria to see if there is anyone else with the same problem and thats when I see the table with the guys I meet in the office. Orion was hiding his laughter but the girl sitting next to him didn't even try to hide it.

"It's okay you can share my burger and fries," Nicki tells me. I mouth watch this, grab a huge pile of the fries with bugs and stuff it in my mouth. The look on the girl who was just laughing at me face was absolutely priceless!

"Extra protein," I say with a smile even though I am screaming on the inside. Everyone at that table quickly turns away but I don't spit the fries out. I chew and swallow them bugs in all.

"You are a badass!" Nicki looks like she is still in shock.

"Thanks I get it from my aunt," I answer.

"We need to get out of this cafeteria before anyone else see's what you did," She tells me. I agree with her.

Then I did something stupid I grab her hand and think of our dorm room. Before she can make a sound we are back in the room.

"What did I just do?" I ask in awe. I look at my hands wondering if something happened to them but they looked the same.

"GIRL! You are so powerful! It took Zander a week to learn how to do that and you did it on your first try!" Nicki squealed. I bow down as Nicki claps for me. Then I remember something.

"Oh yeah Zander and his friends, they were nice to be when we were in the office but then they changed. I think they were the ones who put the bugs on my fries!" I sit down on my bed. I haven't even been at this school that long and it appears I have already made enemies.

"I was hoping they would be nice to you, but obviously they decided to play dirty. It's time I tell you." She says with a sad look on her face.

"Tell me what?" Did I already do something.

Nicki takes a deep breath then starts talking, "As you know you are really powerful, and I mean really powerful. You are one of the most powerful Supernaturals the world has seen in a long time. Before you came along the Fancy 4, thats what I like to call Zander, Damon, Axel, and Orion, has a spot on the council sense they are very powerful. Most Supernatural's have a power ranking of 3 to 4. But the Fancy 4 all have a power ranking of 5. How it works is every five years the most powerful Supernatural gets to choose who they want to replace on the council. Usually there is only three people on the council but the Fancy 4, would have made it 4. Sense you have a power ranking of 6, you are going to be the person who goes on the council, unless someone even more powerful comes but I doubt that. Now when you join the council your power ranking goes up by 1, so you would become a 7.  The Fancy 4 have been training for there moment to get on the council for there whole lives. Then your pretty selfs walks right up and becomes the most powerful Supernatural. So it seems they are trying to get you do leave, because if you leave the school you can't join the council and your power ranking goes down by 2. They are just jealous of you but pretty soon they should accept the fact that they lost there spot on the council."

Before I can even open my mouth to tell her that I don't even want to be on the council, someone or something knocks on the door.


Gosh, it has been a long time. I haven't really been on Wattpad that often and I just lost some motivation to write. But I am hopefully back. The next update will be in about a month because I have sooooo much school work. Yes school work I AM OUT OF REHAB!!!!! *everyone claps*. Also thank you for 300 reads!!!! I know it doesnt seem like that much but is is to me, so thank you.

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