Chapter 4

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I feel myself slowly start wake up. But I don't open my eyes yet, they feel to heavy. I realize that I am laying down. I also realize that I am not alone.

"She is very powerful," A familiar nice voice goes, "She only drank 3 sips of the tea, that is the least amount anyone has drunk."

"Only 3, how much Control were you using?"A voice cries.

"As much as I could without controlling everyone," The voice answers.

What tea? I think.

"She's awake already?" A confused voice goes. I open my eyes and see a older man standing over me.

"How did you know I was awake and what happened?" Did the plane crash?

"Nothing crashed," Says that sweet voice ignoring my first question, "You are just at Song Bird Academy, I am deeply sorry about your aunt. We were best friends in school"

I realize that voice was the same as the person flying the plane. I keep on forgetting that a aunt that I have never meet in my life is the reason I'm in this mess in the first place. I look to my right and see a old lady. She looked as nice has she sounded. Wait a second did she just read my mind?

"I can't be here!" This has to be some crazy joke, "Did you guys drug me!"

"Not drugs, magic!" The nice lady explains. I bust out laughing, but stop quickly when I realize no one else is laughing. These people are either on some serious drugs or are in a cult. Maybe both.

These people kidnapped me!  I need to get out of here. I quickly come up with a plan in my head.

"Magic?" I ask, making my voice sound super interested and confused.

"Yes dear, magic!" The nice lady answers. I look around and see a liquid in a cup. It looks like thin gasoline. Maybe its some science stuff. I attempt to stand up. My legs go out from under me and I fall to the ground, right next to the gasoline type liquid.

"Are you all right?" The older man says. Instead of answering I jump to my feet, grab the liquid and throw it at the people.

"Sorry!" I yell, but I don't stop. Instead I run to a door open it and sprint.

I don't know where I am going, but I plan on finding a person to help me. No, I can't do a person they are probably with this drugged up cult. I need to find a hiding space.

I am running faster then I have ever ran before. I just know I am beating countess records.

"I am so glad I am a runner!" I whisper to myself. If I wasn't I know I would have been much much slower, "I am never skipping practice agai-"

Then I slam into a wall. It feels like solid brick, and my vision goes all blurry. A familar scent enters my nose.

"Watch it!" A very deep voice goes. As I blink my eyes to get rid of the blurriness I look up at the talking wall. Except it isn't a wall, it's a person. No, it's a giant!

"Holy fucking shit, you are the tallest person I have ever seen!" I yelp.

"No shit, I am a Big Foot." He replies. I look up at him, and that's when I notice how freaking attractive he is.

"Wow," I breathe.

"What the hell are you?" He asks, "You are so small!"

"Uh. A human?" I respond. I have never seen a person so attractive in my life! He was tall, super tall. Like freakishly tall, but it worked for him. He had thick muscles and I could slightly see the outline of a six pack- no 8 pack through his black polo shirt. He had a slight beard, and I really dislike men with beards (they remind me of my father) but he was nothing like my father and it worked for him.

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