Chapter 8

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"Do you want us to teleport to the cafeteria or want to walk?" Nicki asks me after I finished throwing up everything I had inside me.It honestly felt that I threw up a couple of organs as well.

"Let's walk." I reply.

"Alright let's go. I'll tell you about some students here."

As we start to get up we hear the loudest high pitch moan ever, and for some reason I could tell who it was. It was the dude! We both cover our hands to keep from laughing and run out of the library.

"Camilla that was honestly the most fun I have ever had in a long time." Nicki tells me as we start walking straight , and I feel bad for her.

"Why did you leave to go sit down?" I ask her.

"Oh to be honest when your eyes starting switching colors it kinda freaked me out, so I just went to sit down"

"Switching colors?" What does she mean my eyes do not switch colors. I mean in the sun they look slightly green  but it's not that obvious.

"Maybe a trick of the light. Now do you want to know who to stay away from and who to go to if you need help?" Nicki questions.

"I feel like that would kinda help," I say with a laugh. Her eyes lit up with excitement. Obviously she knows all the drama.

She takes a deep breath, there is definitely going to be a lot of information, "So the groups to stay away from. There are two main groups you need to avoid. First is Katherines group. You met Katherine already, the vampire who sucked your blood. Now Katherine is a social climber. Everything she does is to get more popular. She is evil and will pretend to be your friend until she gets what she wants. In Katherines group is, Ophelia a Siren, Roslyn she can shift into a leopard, , and twins Meghan and Bronwyn one of them can read minds and the other can send images into other peoples mind.  I count them as four people because the twins are always together. There probably going to share the same man. Then there's the Pack, as they like to call it. Filled with four equally delicious men. Most the time they are nice, I heard they throw good parties. But they can ruin peoples life without a second worry. For example, there was this boy, Alex, and he got with one of the guy's girl, even though they were broken up. So they bullied him so bad to the point no one, expect me, would talk to him. He ended up moving schools and no one has ever heard of him again.  There names are Axel, Damon-"

"Orion and Zander?" I interrupt.

"Wait you met them?" Nicki's face is full of confusion.

"Yeah, I tried to run away and ended up running full force into Axel. Then when while I was getting my powers unlocked they were all in the room with me. But they were gone once I woke up after passing out," I knew the boys were probably going to be popular. But I thought the stuff about 'don't hang out with these people' was only in movies.

"What do they smell like?" She asks me with such intensity in her eyes I know she was being 100% serious.

"Uh, I'm not exactly sure. They all smell different I think. A very familiar scent to." I tell her.

"Oh my gosh! You are going to be popular!" She squeals. Then gets a sad look on her face.

"Hey what's wrong?" Did I say something bad?

"Nothing, it's just that you have to stop hanging out with me or else school is going to be so much harder," She says with a sad smile.

"Girl, remember I am a Succubus I have a feeling thats going to make it extra hard for me to become popular," I am not going to stop hanging out with someone just because it will ruin 'popularity', "Plus with the way Katherine acted I am not sure I want to be popular anyways."

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