Chapter 10

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Nicki and I pause our thoughts and stare at each other.
"Who is it?" She whispers. I shrug.
I go to stand up but Nicki throws a pillow at me.
"Hey!" I whisper shout.
"It's probably another prank," She reminds me
"Well I doubt they can do anything worse," I say with a sigh. I can't believe I got dragged into this mess. I go over and open the door.
"Yes?" I say, as I watch Zander peer into my room. I step outside and close the door, "What do you want?"
"I want you, out of this school," He says confidently.
I laugh, "Bye," then I start to close the door. But his hand reaches out touching mine. A spark of electricity flows through us and he quickly pulls his hand away.
"Listen, I am going to ask," He pauses. I wait for him to finish but he doesn't.
"Ask..." I make a motion with my hand telling him to continue.
"Ask nicely, I am going to ask you nicely one more time."
"Listen dude, I didn't want to be here in the first place. If your doing all of this just because you don't want me to be on the council thats fine. I don't want to be on the council, so why don't you and your little, well big, friends just leave me alone please."
"You don't want to be on the council?" He sounded shocked.
"Bruh I don't want to be in this school why would I want to be on the stupid council" When I called the council stupid his eyes narrowed.
"First of, don't bruh me, second of the council is not stupid it is the most important thing in the world actually, because it keeps the world safe,"
"Blah blah blah, you can be on the council ok!" Do I have to spell it out to him, I don't want to be on the council!
"It doesn't work like that!" His voice rose.
"Ok do not raise your voice at me! Are you kidding me right now! My parents left me at this stupid school, I ACCIDENTALLY KILL SOMEONE! AND NOW YOU AND YOUR GANG ARE TRYING TO FUCKING BULLY ME OVER SOME STUPID FUCKING COUNCIL!" I take a deep breath and notice there are some students picking there heads out of there doors, "Just leave me alone and I will leave you alone, go make out with your girlfriend or something." With that I go into my room and slam the door shut.
"She isn't my girlfriend," He mumbled.
"I heard that!" I yell through the door.
"Okay, listen. I gave you a chance to leave the school and you refused so now we are going to have to do this the hard way!" He snarled at the end.
I flip him off, though he can't hear me, and go plop down on my bed. I look over at Nicki and her eyes are open in shock. I stare back at her and suddenly we both burst into laughter.
"You're so small, and he's so big and-" Nicki can't even finish her sentence she's laughing so hard.
After about ten minutes of us trying to calm are selves down Nicki look's over at me and says, "Okay we need a plan."
"Plan?" For what
"Girl the most powerful group of men are now going to try to bully you into leaving, we need to fight back and we need to start planning how to now,"
"Argh, I guess your right, honestly it sounds kinda fun!"
"Right! Your lucky you got me as a roommate, growing up with 6 brothers makes you really good at pranks."
"Six brothers!" I could never imagine having six brothers.
"Alright let's get to work!" She rubs her hands together in joy.

Zanders Pov:
I can't believe she didn't listen to me! That little bitch! And she just embarrassed me in front of so many people.She doesn't know what's coming for her. Luckily I don't think I am actually going to have to hurt her just embarrass her into leaving. If only she wasn't so damn cute. I had to keep reminding myself that she's a Succubus when we were talking. Oh god and when I touched her! That was a major mistake. She needs to learn how to turn her powers of, or someone might have to turn them of permanently...

Short chapter. But hey, it's been a while. Honestly I don't know when I am going to write again because I've been so busy. But please comment ideas or things you liked.

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