Chapter 12 pt 1

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"Are you excited!" Nicki squeals as she slips on her skirt.
"For my first day of school, no" I answer calmly. Well maybe I lied a little. It is going to be fun learning all the stuff but the fancy 4 might ruin it for me. Luckily I got the most amazing roommate every and she taught me all these pranks. Some of the pranks are a little.. well dirty. But I figure the F4 are going to use there own unique powers and not just regular magic. Yes there is a difference, every supernatural has regular magic and then personal magic. Apparently I have more regular magic since I have more personal magic.
I quickly hop of my bed, then immediately regret the decision as my legs fall out from under me.
"Shit," I say as I lay on the floor, "I guess I need a charge."
"Well... I have a little present for you!" Nicki tell me as she reaches under her pillow.
"What for me? I didn't get you anything!" Is today a special occasion?
I look at Nicki and watch her hand pull something out.
"A necklace, for me?" I stare at it. It has a beautiful red stone and the necklace part has a soft shine to it.
"Yup! It is a necklace made specifically for Succubuses, it holds enough recharge to last 3 months," She smiles.
"Wow! It's beautiful," She is so nice, "Wait, how did you get enough recharge for 3 months?"
"I planted it in the library," Nicki smirked
"Smart" I reply then go to get dressed.
Nicki and I spent a couple of hours fixing all my uniforms so they were more appropriate, though we kept a couple just as they were because she begged. The shirts now had buttons that button all the way up and they are longer. The skirts were unfixable, because of how short they were, so we just turned them into cute ties. We ended up just grabbing a bunch of skirts from a lost and found and sewing them so they would fit me if they were to big. I'm so happy that Nicki is my roommate. She's so sweet and smart! We had spent some time walking to my classes so I wouldn't get lost. Unfortunately classes change all the time so I can't get to used to them.
"I'm actually terrified for today," I say after I tie my sneakers.
"Wait why?" She asks.
"People will hate me for being an Succubus and because I'm so powerful,"
"They won't hate you, they will just be afraid of you. It was the same for me at the beginning but now I'm used to it."
"But I don't want to be used to it!," My voice rose a little, "I just want it to stop!"
"Don't worry with are plans there is no way anyone is ever going to bully you anymore!"
I smile as I step out of our room. We had stayed up almost all night coming up with ways to get back at the F4. Obviously they had no idea who they were messing with. Luckily, with the help of a little magic, we don't feel tired. I had decided to go to the library before breakfast, to see if I could learn anything more about succubi.

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