Chapter 7

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AUTHORS NOTE: I was hacked! I have been really busy (not that anyone cares lol) and I go back to see that chapter 7 was published (which I didn't do btw!!) and see the world 'Help'!. Umm, what does this mean and why hack me.

. It's hard to write the chapters because I only gets certain amount of screen time a day (rehab tings lol).

But if you wanna hack me again please just write the next chapter because now I only have 30 mins of computer time a day so I honestly wouldn't complain lol.


Chapter 7: *warning naughty stuff*

"Wake up sleepy head!" A voice cries, "We need to go!"

"Leave me alone," I slur. My alarm will wake me up for school.

"School!" I cry. My eyes fly open and I find myself staring into a familiar face that was actually very smooth! Not a blemish or pimple in sight!.

"Oh, hey Nicki. I guess I was sleeping really hard," I say and before I could stop myself I blurt out, "What's your skin care? Your face is so perfect!"

"Girl! It's a Supernatural thing. Have you looked at yourself recently?" She asks me. I shake my head rubbing my eyes. She walks over to my lamp and pulls on the string three times. On the third swing I hear a very vague rumbling sound. I turn around and see a gigantic full size mirror and a even bigger closet standing on my half of the room.

"Holy cow! This is so cool!" I yell as I run to the mirror.  Nicki walks towards the mirror as well. I look and see she is towering over me. She has to be at least 5'10. Almost a foot taller.

"Honestly yesterday I was so excited on getting a roommate and when you came in I was even more excited because you were so nice that I didn't even notice that you are so small!" Nicki beams at me.

How did I get a roommate so nice? I ask myself.

"Alright look at yourself!" She makes pointing motion with her hand at the mirror.

I take a step forward. The first thing I notice is my skin. Before it was super oily and had acne on my forward. Now it's completely clear and not oily. My skin looks like I'm wearing a layer of foundation and I rub my finger against my check just to make sure I am not wearing any, which I'm not. The next thing my eyes go to is my lips. They are no longer dry and slightly thin, but plump and a nice pink color. I smile and I notice my teeth are completely white and super straight, even straighter then they were even though I had braces. My hair is much shiner no longer frizzy and it is slightly longer. Then I take a step back and look at my breasts. It almost looks like I am wearing a bra. I feel them (completely forgetting my roommate is watching me) and realize I am not wearing a bra. My breast have always been a big problem so me, they are much bigger then someone who is 4'11 should have. They were always a bit perky but I always needed to wear bras, and at least 2 sports bras while running. I am in shock. I slowly turn around. I was to lazy to change so I was just wearing the same old sweatpants and a pale pink crop top. But my butt has changed too. It was bigger and it seems less strong. More jiggly. Before all of this I had a small butt so I worked out that area a whole lot so it got bigger. It was nice and firm and my ex best friend (we don't talk about her) would always slap it, it was a running joke (get it running!) with my friend group. I turn around again so I am facing the mirror and lift up my shirt to show my stomach.

"Oh my gosh!" I yelp covering my mouth with my hand. I always have had a pretty flat stomach and whenever running system is in full thrive I get a six pack. But my stomach before was shaped like a box and now it's like a hourglass with a slight six pack!

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