Chapter 6

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As I feel myself drift into consciousness I think to myself, I really need to stop passing out.

I slowly open my eyes, flinching a little because of how bright it is. I rub my eyes, as all the memories come rushing back, I remember passing out right after someone touched the Seeker.

"Camilla!" A sharp voice goes. I turn towards the direction and see Principle Cyrus sitting in a chair.

"Did the Seeker die, he didn't look so good, what happened to him?" I immeditly spit out, "Is it my fault?"

Instead of answering me he just points to a tablet in his lap. I squint my eyes and see a news headline.

17 year old, Camilla Winters. Was getting her powers unlocked when it went astray causing Frank, to fly backwards and hit a wall, snapping his neck. There will not be any charges for Camilla. Camilla is the niece of the late Dean of Students at, Song Bird Academy. Since Frank was the most powerful Seeker the world has ever seen Camilla will need to get bodyguards for her own protection. .........

"Bodyguards!" Is this for real. Also how is this news article up so fast?

"You killed the most powerful Seeker, even if it was a accident people will still be mad!" The principle seems very mad at me. I don't blame him. I can't believe I killed someone. I can't help but wonder what Axel and his friends are doing right now.

"What do you remember?" Principle Cyrus asks me.

"Uhh. I remember the Seeker coming in. Touching my head, I remember the pain. Oh I was also glowing. Then I freaking exploded! And then Axel went to go check up on Frank and then I passed out right after he touched him. Did anything else happen?" For some reason it feels like I am missing something, but I just can't remember.

"Are you sure that's all you remember?" He ask me. I nod. He then looks slightly relived.

"Am I missing something?" Something has to be wrong.

"It depends on you. We today we learned two more things about you," He looks scared. But what did I do?

"Okay, what are they?" I bet they just figured out I am human and my parents made this all up. Oh shit! I completely forgot about my parents. I wonder what they are doing right now. I don't know if I am mad at them for sending me here now. I mean I saw the four hottest people I have ever seen in my entire life! And the way they looked at me, maybe they feel the same way.

"I don't know how to say it in a calm matter, since it's not a calm matter so I am just going to say it and you will deal with it," He starts, "First off. You are a Succubus, a sex demon. We haven't had one of those in a very long time, because they always cause messes. There has even been wars because of them."

A FUCKING SEX DEMON! He has to be joking. I have never even kissed a boy let alone have sex with them. Can I turn in my powers? Maybe there is a store that I can return them at.

"Are you shitting me!" I can't even go in public now.

"That's not the worst of it. You are also a Switch. That means you have another presence in your body. Usually only one of the the two beings in the mind have powers but it appears you both are very powerful. More powerful then the four boys you meet while unlocking your powers. It seems you can't remember anything the other being in your head does. Being a Switch can be very dangerous, so please try not to tell anyone. I would ask around to get that information. I have to do a lot of paper work, so I am not going to answer your questions, you will go to room and meet your roommate. I think you will like her, she's special like you."

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