Ch. 2

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6:00 pm

The house was comforting when it was just Collin and I. Quiet honestly, it's less lonely with him here. I watch the clock inattentively, waiting for it to flash 6:10 Pm. The club opens at 6:30 and it's a good 35 minute drive to get there.

"Why are we going so early anyways?" I question, shoving my hand in the bag next to him and taking a handful of chips, stuffing them into my mouth.

Collin gives me a teasing look and snorts, "damn bitch, slow down." He laughs, causing me to hit him with little force in the chest. "Shut up, you ate half the bag." I say, following my statement with a goofy smile.

"Fair enough," he starts, "And to answer you're question, I don't feel like waiting all night just to get in." I nod my head and agreement before pulling out my phone.

I scroll through Twitter to pass time. My entire feed is filled with politics and pictures of my father. Some saying negative things, some saying good things. Skipping through the political posts, I like pictures of Beyoncé and Ian Somehalder. Nothing feels better than coming across hot celebrities on the media.

Losing track of time, I finally realize that it's time to go. I look over at collin who is on tiktok, unaware that it's already 10 minutes past time and I shake his shoulder.

"Come onn!" I exclaim, standing up and slipping on a pair of flats. He follows my lead, putting on his shoes and grabbing my keys from the table. "I'm driving!" He grins. Before I can oppose he is already out of the house and opening the car door to the drivers seat. With a small huff I follow his lead, locking the house door and entering the passenger seat.

Half way there, Collin and I are singing to the top of our lungs.

"Somebody told me that you had a boyfriend that looked like a girlfriend that I had in February of last year!"

The windows are down, causing my long locks to blow in my face. I close my eyes and take in the cool gust of wind. I was always the type of girl to love car rides. The endless roads always made me feel like a different person, a normal teenager.

After a few more minutes of our singing-fun, we finally arrive. Collin parks in the front, and we both sigh in relief once we see the line isn't as long as we thought it was going to be. When I step out of the car I can already hear the music playing from outside of the club. We quickly slip at the end of the line and wait our turn.

After a few minutes we finally reach the bouncer. He stands with perfect posture and straight face. "I.D please." He says, holding his hands out. I reach into my purse and rummage around before finding it and handing it to him. He examines it for a second before handing it back and adverting his eyes to Collin.

I notice Collins face is blood red and he is visibly nervous. "Uh.. give him your I.d Collin." I say softly but in a grave tone. He snaps out of his mind and chuckles awkwardly. "Oh, sorry.. right." He says, already having the fake I.D in his hand. He gives it to the man and waits patiently as he examines it. With one eyebrow raised and a suspicious look he hands it back to collin and gives a nod of permission.

Once inside the club I notice the magnificent details of the place. The room is lit up red and most of the people dancing look in their mid-20s. Almost everyone is visibly drunk, stumbling and staggering across the dance floor. I look over at collin whoms attention has been focused on a group of male strippers. I chuckle and get up closer to his face, yelling slightly so he could he me over the music, "you should go!"

He looks at me with a almost guilty face. "They are hot but I can't just leave you!" He yells, causing me to shake my head. "Go on, ill be fine!" I promise. He smiles and places his hand on my shoulder. "Are you you?!" He questions and I nod. "Of course!" He slowly takes his hand off my shoulder before giving me one last smile and running off to the group of guys.

"Hoe." I mumble under my breath with a giggle. I walk over to grab a seat at the bar, although I was not planning on getting a drink. Clubbing was never really my type of thing but I figured coming out of my comfort zone would be good for me, but in reality the loud music and sweaty bodies just give me a headache.

I notice a guy that appears to be Atleast in his 40s sitting next to me, starring intensely. I clear my throat and look down, trying to ignore the stare.

Ignoring doesn't work when I hear him clear his throat and tug on my arm. I jerk my arm away and look at him questionably. The man stands up and stumbles towards me, unquestionably drunk. "You are Bella Nolen, the presidents daughter? Wow.. you are even hotter in person." He slurs, eyeing me up and down. I uncomfortably shift in my seat. "Leave me alone, creep." I spat, focusing my attention back on collin who was dancing with some random male stripper.

Please go away please go away please go away

Just my luck, he doesn't. I feel both his hands rest on my shoulders and he leans down, whispering in my ear, "come on, I promise I could show you a good time." I cringe at the smell of alcohol coming from his breath and instinctively turn around and punch him in jaw, causing him to hold his face in pain and growing loudly. I grabbed the attention of a few people around me and I nervously run out of the club doors. I walk to my car to catch a breath of fresh air and to get away from the loud noise.

"Oh my god.. I can't believe I just did that. I really just did that." I whisper to myself in disbelief. I rest my hand on my head and take a deep breath. I silently debate in my head whether or not to ask collin to leave. After thinking for a while, I finally come to the decision to leave.

Right before I start to walk from my car I feel a knife come in contact with my throat. My breath hitches, and Before I get the chance to scream a hand roughly covers my mouth.

Once I calm down the Hand slowly drops from my mouth, but the knife remains, I hear a faint fizzle and the hand covers my mouth again, this time with a rag. I let out a quiet cry and try to kick softly, failing immensely. Before everything goes black I hear a low whisper in my ear,

"We told you to expect us."
Once again, please don't come at me for this story not being 'realistic.' It's not meant to be because this is simply an AU. Keep an eye out for another chapter, I'll definitely be writing ;)

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