Ch: 13

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Caught Up: Ch 13
If I was to say I had a headache, that would be an understatement. I woke up with a splitting pain in the side of my head, causing me to groan in pain. I squint my eyes together and grab the side of my head with my hand.

Do people really drink for fun? I don't understand the hype over it, and I don't think I ever will.

The bright sun peaks through the windows and shines directly into my eyes. I slowly sit up and notice that I am still in my clubbing clothes from yesterday.

I scrunch my nose up. I have no idea how I rested in these uncomfortable clothes, let alone go out in them.

Yesterday.. I don't remember much. I remember Asteria telling me something about Thomas, and I remember Salix bringing me home, however I only remember bits and pieces of our conversation.

I notice a cup of water and a bottle of aspirin sitting on the table next to me. Salix must have set them out while I was knocked out from my drunk slumber.

Desperate to make this pounding headache disappear, I twist open the cap and pop two aspirins. I down it quickly with a sip of water.

After I'm fully awake my senses kick in and I smell the sweet aroma of food coming from the kitchen. Intuitionally, I press my feet to the floor and walk towards the smell.

I lean up against the kitchen frame and watch as Salix stands in front of the stove, hair messy and dressed in nothing but pajama pants.

He must have heard me approaching because he turned his head around to look at me-almost as soon as I got there.

"Hungry?" He questions, his raspy voice prominent- probably where he had just woken up.

I shrug and walk over to stand beside of him, "kind of." I admit. His cheeks redden and he chuckles softly, "I- um.. I didn't know if you were vegan or whatever, so I just made it all vegan-safe."

I smile sincerely at the gesture. I don't know what it was, but he was acting a lot more nicer than usual.

"Yeah, of course." I look up at him and bite my lip softly, "Thank you." I murmur. Instead of his sarcastic remarks, he actually stays quiet and just nods. That's.. different.

I notice he only makes one plate of food, and he hands it to me. I tilt my head questionably, "aren't you going to eat?" I ask.

He shakes his head, "No, I told you I'm busy today." He reminds me, confusing me slightly. "No you didn't?" I remark.

He rolls his eyes and begins to walk over to the table, grabbing his phone as he does, "I did actually, you was just to drunk out of your mind to remember." He chuckles.

I shrug and sit down with my plate. He has a point, I really don't remember much from yesterday.

"Right now?" I ask, causing him to give me a rhetorical expression, "yes, of course right now. When else?" He sarcastically questions. I roll my eyes in defeat.

Asshole is back.

He turns around wordlessly and walks out of the kitchen.

It's hard to read him. One minute he's fine to be around, the next he is a sarcastic ass. Honestly, I'm just thankful that he's feeding me.

After a few minutes, I finish my plate. I wasn't vegan, but if I was being honest- it's not bad at all. The taste is different, but not in a bad way.

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