Ch. 7

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I ignore my gut feeling, allowing my feet to take me wherever. The faster I run, the further I get to nothing. This place appears to be stranded. Cars are no where in sight, houses don't exist. I feel as if I'm running in the same circles of abyss.

I have been running for a good 20 minutes, so it's obvious that I'm a little bit aways from that house.

I notice a bench in the distance and I pause, racking my brain on whether or not it's worth the risk. My mind tells me no, but my aching feet tells me yes.

With a short jog, I droop down onto the bench. With my head resting in my hands I let out soft pants. Sweat drips down my forehead, making me feel disgusting.

I just wish my mom was here.

She would know what to do. Somehow, she always did.

I chew on my bottom lip and gaze in the direction I had just ran from.

I know I didn't make it that far, but maybe far enough for him to not find me.

After a few minutes of resting my legs, I decide to get up and continue walking.

After a while, I notice a small cabin in the corner of my eyes.

'That's odd' I think to myself.

Left with no other choice I allow myself to wander to the front step.

The cabin itself is as small as a room and beat down. I don't bother knocking, assuming that no one is living in such a beat down place in the middle of no where.

I twist the door nob and not surprisingly, the door opens.

The room is as small as it looks on the outside. The smell of old wood fills my nose.

I find a light switch, but of course it doesn't work.

After stumbling around in the dark I can see an unlit candle and a lighter beside of it.

What is this place?

I quickly light the candle and the room lights up, revealing a small couch.

I sigh with relief and fall back into it, curling up into a fetal position and closing my eyes.

I ignore all the thoughts flooding my head

He knows where I am
He will kill me if he finds me

I groan softly and place my hands tightly around my ears in attempt to block out my own thoughts.

He doesn't know where I am, he won't find me. I'll go home and they can stop my father without me. They have all the information they need.

I sigh and push my face into the cushion.

Maybe I should keep going.

I continue to debate with myself in my head until my eyes feel heavy.

I decide to rest for the night. My breathing slows and I relax, eventually falling into a state of dream.

~The next morning~

I flutter my eyes open. My back aches from the hard couch.

I'm still here.. he didn't find me.

I smile and let a breath of relief. He really didn't find me. All I have to do is figure out where I am and-

My thoughts are interrupted once my eyes focus on the open door.

Did I leave it open last night?

All of a sudden I hear a deep, familiar voice that makes my heart sink.

"I was hoping you would do that."

I close my eyes and don't dare to look at him.

I bite my lower lip and hear footsteps approach me.

I gasp when his hand comes into contact with the back of my neck, turning me around to face him.

"Open your eyes." He demands. Helplessly I keep them closed, feeling tears begin to build up.

He chuckles lowly and tightens his grip around my neck making it hard to breath. "I said look at me." He snarls, his voice becoming deeper and more aggressive.

I gasp for breath and open my eyes, staring into his dark brown ones. Fear strikes my body and I grab his hands, trying to shove them off my neck.

He lets out a dark, soft laugh and tilts his head at me. "This is going to be fun." He hums, letting go of my neck and grabbing my wrists harshly.

"You're really going to regret that."

So sorry for the short chapter and for not updating in like 2 days🥺 I currently don't have internet and can only upload whenever I go somewhere that does. I'll probably update every two days, but I'm not sure what the schedule will be.

I'm working on chapter 8 and it will be long and detailed. I've already Began writing it and all I can say is 😳😳

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