Ch. 6

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Once inside, I notice the Polished wood floors and a banister that slanted upward revealing a second floor. Bay windows surrounded the house, allowing daylight to peak in.

It was definitely a dream home. Of course, my father being as wealthy as he is can buy pretty much anything, but we refused to move from the small, old house in which my mother once breathed in.

I clear my throat and move my hair out from my face and behind my ear, "it's um.. you have a really nice home." I mutter awkwardly.

Salix chuckles deeply and throws his keys on the couch next to us. "Thank you, but I'm sure you've seen more impressive." He states, turning around to look at me. I shrug, "money doesn't define me, really. In fact, no one would even guess i was wealthy if they didn't know who I was" I reply.

"It does me." he states cockily. "I mean the Money made my name." He hums, turning back around and walking half way up the stairs before noticing that I'm not following. I cross my arms and Stay still in my place. "What name?" I ask.

He points his finger and motions for me to come on without saying a word.

Not budging he lets out a sigh, "Bella, I'm really trying to be gently with you but you are already pissing me off." He states, Leaning against the banister.

"Just answer the question," I roll my eyes, "what name?"

"Anonymous." He states simply, "we all did."

I smile, pleased that he answered me. I then proceed to walk up the stairs. His face relaxes with relief and he turns around, beginning to walk up the stairs again.

I follow behind him and he leads me to a room with a plain white door.

He stops at it and turns his head to look at me, "This is your room. However, before I leave you alone we need to discuss the rules."

I wrinkle my nose, looking at him in disbelief. "Rules?" I ask.

I'm not a dog.

"Yes." He says simply, his voice not changing.

He opens the door, revealing a small twin-size bed with white sheets and plenty of covers, as well as a dresser and other necessities a typical bedroom has.

"Sit." He commands, causing my to roll my eyes. "I'm not a dog, Salix."

He smirks softly, causing me to let out a frustrated huff of breath.

He leans down to my face and says softly, "I never said you was, but don't make this difficult for the both of us."

I jerk my face away from his and hardened my expression. I walk over to the bed and sit, taking in how soft it actually was.

Salix follows closely behind and continues to stand. He makes direct eye contact with me, making me blush slightly. I always hated eye contact.

"Rule number one," he begins. "Spare us both the time and don't try to run. It's useless. I have eyes everywhere, I will find you." He states. Looking down at me to remain eye contact.

I clear my throat and fiddle with my still cuffed hands.

"Two, cut out the back talk, it pisses me off." He murmurs the last part.

I smirk and shrug, "Freedom of speech." I state, snickering softly.

He rolls his eyes, ignoring the comment and continuing.

"Three, If you need anything just tell me." He hums.

I let my eyes fall to my hands but quickly feel a finger beneath my chin, tilting my head back up to lock eyes again. "Look at me so I know you're listening."

I scoff but don't move my gaze.

"That's honestly it, but if you decide to do something you know I wouldn't like than the consequences will be severe." He notes.

I swallow, struggling to remain eye contact.

"Of course I'm not talking about something minor like breaking a glass, but if you try to do any harm to me or try running away, I promise you it will not be a fun time for you."

"I get it." I say, looking to the wall.

He reaches into his back pocket, pulling out a key and reaching down to uncuff my wrists.

"As of now your door is not locked, you're free to roam the house and do whatever you would like. I'll be busy for the remainder of the day." Without saying another word, he walks out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

The day went pretty quickly. Lucky for me, I wasn't bored all day. I had television so I practically binge-watched Grey's anatomy. I didn't really come out of the room, not wanting to strike conversation with Salix.

I look over at the clock and notice that it is 11 P.M.

My stomach growled. I realize I hadn't ate all day.

I kick the silk covers from my legs and pause my show. I step my bare feet on the cold, wooden floor, causing it to creak lowly.

I tiptoe over to the door and hesitatingly twist the door knob. Fortunately, the door didn't make a noise.

Trying to be as quiet as possible, I sneak downstairs.

Before I even think of searching for the kitchen, I notice the front door and focus my attention on the possibility of me leaving.

Salix's voice ran through my mind

'The consequences will be severe"

I shook my head. He was just trying to scare me. He was only trying to have control.

I scan my eyes around the room, making sure Salix was no where near.

Once in the clear, I slowly reach out and twist the door knob and push.

I step my bare feet on the dry grass. All though it is dark, the moonlight lights up the yard, giving me sight as to where the road is.

My mind fogged, I make a run for it.

My feet touch the cool, scuffed road. With every second the further I stray from that house.

After a few minutes of running I begin panting, slouching down and resting both hands on my knees.

My heart dropped slightly when I realized something.

It was almost too easy to escape.. almost unrealistic.

Sorry for the late update 🥺 I have a few really good ideas to add into this story but that means I have to switch around the plot and ahH it's a process. Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter. Just wait until chapter 8 ;)

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