Ch. 9

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I really couldn't find a song that fit this chapter so if you have any suggestions after reading let me know :)

I stir softly, fluttering my eyes open to expose the dim light in my room. I wince quietly when I feel a sharp pain shoot through my wrist. I look down at my hands, quickly realizing that I'm no longer cuffed.

I assume that Salix had uncuffed me while I was sleeping. Though it confuses me as to why, considering he acted pissed towards me.

I groan and throw the covers off from me, allowing the cool breeze that the room provides to graze against my skin.

Although I remember Salix specifically telling me that the door is locked, I still attempt to open it. But of course, it doesn't budge.

My face scrunches up when I smell my own body Oder. Disgusting, I'm aware. However, I haven't showered in over a week so it's understandable.

I walk over to my bed, pressing the red button and speaking, "I need to shower, I smell like shit. Let me out." I let go of the button and cross my arms, waiting for my door to open which it never does.

I groan and press it again, saying in a sarcastic voice, "Salix, please allow me to shower so I don't smell like fucking roadkill. Thanks." I release my hold from the button and roll my eyes.

After a minute of waiting, he eventually stumbles through the door. Tooth brush in his mouth. I blush intensely when I notice he is only wearing a towel around his waist, exposing his V-line. His wet curls lye against his forehead, water lightly dripping down from his hair to his chest.

He raises an eyebrow up at me and grabs ahold of the toothbrush,  pulling it from his mouth.

"Are you going to keep starring or do you need to go shower?" He questions, smirking slightly.

I roll my eyes, pushing past him and standing in the door way. "The last thing I would do is stare at you." I mumble, glaring at him annoyed. He makes a teasing face when I walk by, forcing himself to gag, "you're right, you do smell horrible." He says.

I hit his chest softly, causing him to grab my wrist and stare at it. I hiss in pain, jerking my wrist back. "No, give it back." He hums, holding his hand out. After a few seconds of neither of us moving he lets out a sigh, "please?" He asks gently.

Giving in, I rest my wrist in his hands. He examines it wordlessly. I look away, Wincing when he gently traces his finger across the raw line the cuffs made.

"I have something for that.." he murmurs, my wrist falling to my side as he lets go. "The bathroom is the first door on the right when you leave this room." He states, turning around to walk out, but stops mid-walk, "oh, and I am having a few people over, so you can stay out and socialize for the day." He says, then continues to walk out of the room.

I let out a huff of breath and walk out of the room and easily find my way to the bathroom.

The bathroom was much bigger than your typical family-sized bathroom. The shower was covered by a huge-glass door, and a round bathtub was sat up next to it.

I notice a towel and a change of clothes folded neatly on the sink. I silently thank Salix in the back of my mind, because truthfully, I probably would have forgotten to get my own if he hadn't.

Once the shower is the perfect temperature, which is hot enough for steam to rise, I strip down to nothing and quickly get in.

My tense shoulders instantly relax and I tilt my head back, allowing water to run down my face and body. I let out deep sighs of breath and close my eyes.

After relaxing for a bit I look over to the shower rack and notice that the only thing he has is mens shampoo and body wash. I groan and silently curse him in my mind.

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