|The Start of A New Authority|12|

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"we are still outnumbered. We cant possibly attack them like that!" Rudy smashed his fists on the forest floor which suprised the girls "calm down Rudy. We still have lots of time to-" Ali was cutted off by a bush rustling and stood up from the floor and prepared his gasings incase its MATA and the others soon got into fighting stances "who's there! Show yourself" Ali said to the bush. The bush rustling intensified and there came out a Neuro. His hands behind his back indicating he surrendered.

The twins recognized the neuro agent "Charlie" Both of them said and the Neuro waved hello

Alicia prepared her bow and aimed a triple arrow at the agents. Charlie saw it and immediately putted down the red flag "w-we didn't come to spy or hunt you down. We just wanted to help" they were confused when he said that and suddenly 14 figures came out. It was the mentors and the young agents.

Bakar immediately went for Ali and brought him to a bone crushing hug. "U-uncle" Ali said and Bakar immediately letted him go and apologized.

"What exactly are you doing here?" Alicia asked and Geetha started explaining "MATA is unbearable. Not to mention the strict rules. Even Cyberaya has strict rules"

After a few hours of catching up, they've decided to make a new authority that will go against MATA. The Crystal Authority Wich is lead by Ali, Alicia, Rudy and Iman with the  twins as backup

The colors are still the same exept it stands for something.

White: embodiment of liberty, and fraternity

Yellow: embodiment of equality

Blue: embodiment of peace and tranquility

Red: war and rebellion

(Legit taken from our flag)

"I like the name!" Moon said as Ali showed them the info on their new authority. Ali smiled as everyone appreciated his opinion. "So,the teknos are the one doing the murder?" Rudy said and alilicia looked at him with a confused look "no! We are not going to do that  because we won't follow MATA's rules. Instead, we'll be seperated into courts. But for now, we'll be in hiding and if possible, recruit others that want to go against MATA" he siad as he fixed up the papers on the ground "why if possible?" Jet asked (don't worry,I'll kill him later) and again,the two couple looked at him "I mean,everyone hates them" he said and started walking around. "It's true. I got to talk to Djin when he was thrown outside of Zain's office all bruised up. He told me if possible,he wants to rebel against him but couldn't as Zain putted poison in his bloodstream if Djin does anything against him" Khai said "his injuries were severe. Probably from Ganz" Geetha joined in.

Dayang didn't believe it at first and the twins gave murder stares  before saying "we're killing that nigga alright" they smiled and looked at their mother "mom can we use it now?" Dayang nodded "fine. Start terraforming" she said and  water wings appeared on Rose's back and the blue design on her back glowed as the wings appeared. And the red design on Lumine's chest glowed and he summoned fire from his hands  and as Dayang said, they started terreforming.

Rose lifted up the water on the nearby creek and formed it into a blade and cutted the surrounding dirt and rocks flawlessly and Lumine burned the trees using controlled fire that he can immediately put out. And in an hour,a  small base was made that was easily hidden in the thick foliage.

The others were amazed by this. Turns out Dato' injected something in their bloodstream that formed gemstones on their body with specific powers.

A/N: if alien robots can go to earth,then sentient alien rocks can too!Also,I had trouble saving this one and had to re write it more than 6 times.

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