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Despite all the challenges that seemed impossible, the Dragon Alliance achieved victory in the end. But the cost was high. Two monarchs had been slain. Huge swathes of Pendor were razed beyond recognition and their inhabitants slaughtered. An entire generation of peasants and nobility alike had been decimated. Some friends were among them, such as Dame Rayna, Dame Taryn, and Sir Saerus, who died defending Sir Evran from giants. Many of the knighthood orders had taken severe losses in the fighting, with some being slain by the enemy and others being killed by the plague that spread afterwards. Those in Sarleon who had once believed in Jaysus now had been betrayed by their own faith, their fragility laid bare for all to see.After the battle, Mackabee Innocent fled back to the fortress of the Church and prepared for a seige. The fortress was stormed soon after by Sarleon's conscript armies, though more than a thousand lost their lives doing so. In Mackabee Innocent's final stand they once again took the form of the worm that walks, easily killing many more soldiers until the evil creature was purged from the world by fire.

But most of all, Lilith the Eternal, the de facto leader of the Dragon alliance, was dead.It would take much time to rebuild. For weeks, members of the Dragon Alliance mourned their lost loved ones and those they respected the most. Labourers from Sarleon were hired to rebuild villages that had been burned by the Snake Cult and remove corpses of those who died from the new Snake Cult Plague.

In Ravenstern, many mourned the loss of their king whom they posthumously named King Gregory the Defender. His son, King Arnold, was a fair king and worked to ensure peace and stability in his lands. He also forged good relations with the peasant coucil of Sarleon, refraining from supporting a civil war that so many nobles wanted. Through his hand, all of the members of the Dragon Order were awarded pendants of victory for their efforts in the war against the snake cult.

In Sarleon, the peasant council drafted new laws regarding the powers of the government and ensured that all people of any background were fairly represented in the house of law. The country ensured that all those who had been displaced by the war would be given work to sustain their families and land to build their homes. While there was always a threat of civil war from power hungry nobles, the country found itself in a peace that was unrivaled in length.

In D'Shar, many loyalists mourned the death of their powerful sultan whom they posthumously named Sultan Ghazi the Strong. His son, Sultan Hamid, ensured that none of the D'Shar questioned the throne. He reformed governmental policies to allow for the more efficient recruitment, arming, and training of soldiers should the sultanate ever need it. He would always keep Ravenstern and Sarleon at arms-length in diplomatic discussions. It was reported that he was paranoid that Ravenstern and Sarleon would invade him at any time. Throughout his reign, he would secretly plant spies in Ravenstern and Sarleon so that he could hear any invasion plans before they occurred.

As the height of summer came, a new project led by Sir Jacin discovered a medicine to temporarily treat the Snake Cult Plague. Thus the plague went in decline and the land of Pendor experienced a rebirth. And in the years that followed many children were born who knew nothing of the horror that their parents had once faced.

And so, our heroes went off to fulfill their heart's desires.

Friends would put flowers on the grave of King Samael Eijori and shake their heads sadly as they thought of how much the king could have achieved if his life wasn't cut short. His tombstone read "Here lies the last King of Sarleon".

Lord Matthew Beckham continued to ensure stability in Sarleon. He was respected by many and was seen, erroneously, as one of the founders of the peasant council. He went on long walks with his wife and had picnics with his children. His life might be considered boring by some, but that was exactly the way he wanted it.

Lady Fiona Haelan continued to ensure stability in Sarleon alongside Lord Matthew Beckham. She grieved the death of her father which was due to unknown causes. Though she never found out the true cause of her father's death, she became closer to Sir Jacin who comforted her in her grief. Perhaps the future had something in store for these two.

Lady Viola Bellême was given the title of Duchess by the new king of Ravenstern and rightly so for her efforts were crucial in ensuring the survival of the kingdom. She also received a pendant of victory named "Defender of the Realm". When we wasn't managing her domain, she helped Darren run their shop in Sarleon. The two were happy together and while they had many regrets, they stayed by each other's side until the end.

Sir Darren Blythe opened up a shop called Flowers and Flour in Sarleon (Ravenstern was too cold for most flowers) along with his one true love Lady Viola and with the help of their friends Catherine, Daffy, and Morty. There was always much laughter in this place and all kinds of people from Sarleon and Ravenstern came to visit. Many peasants who had once hated the former dark knights grew to love and forgive Sir Darren and his friends.

Dame Daffodil and Sir Mortimer Alanysse started a cat cafe called "Cat Tea" with the help of their friends Sir Darren, Catherine, and Lady Viola. The cafe served some of the best tea in Sarleon. Many of Sir Darren's cats hung out here and Dame Daffodil tried her best to convert them to her side (evil face), ending up with mixed results (confused face). Many people came to know the former evil knight as a quiet but charming young woman and eventually forgave her for following the evil goddess.

As per his final wishes, Sir Kallen Nodel's headstone was engraved with the words "A man with flaws who worked to overcome them. He died with honour, sacrificing himself for a friend."

Catherine Eijori grieved for her lover and friend Sir Kallen, a man who, despite his flaws, showed his good heart by sacrificing himself for a friend. She helped Sir Darren start up his flowery/bakery and Dame Daffodil start up her cat cafe. While this was fun, she was never truly content. She decided to travel the world and see what lay beyond the oceans that surrounded Pendor. Her journeys took her through many strange lands including Veccavia (a scary place), Mettenheim, Barclay, and finally Amala. She has not yet returned though perhaps when she does her wanderlust may finally be satisfied.

Flowers of remembrance surrounded Lord Ask's tombstone. The engravings detailed their good deeds and how they lived a full life before him and his family were brutally murdered. Friends would come by often to recount memories they had of Lord Ask asking them riddles or telling them about crazy fairytales.

Sir Evran Autumn and Dame Solstice Anatta started a fighting school for youths and several orphanages for the children who lost their parents in the war. These young ones led the way for a new enlightenment movement that swept across the land and gave the promise of a future brighter than anyone could have ever imagined. Together the two prestigious knights had 5 children of their own. The new king of Ravenstern gave Sir Evran a pendant of victory that was engraved with the words "Champion of the Realm". Dame Solstice was gifted a pendant of victory with the words "Champion of Ravenstern".

Sir Jacin was taught be some of the greatest medical minds in Pendor and himself became a respected scholar. He began looking for a vaccine rather than a cure for the Snake Cult plague and led a team of scholars on this search. Every day he comes closer to completing it and preventing Azi Dahaka's return. But after a while he started to think back to when he was rescued from slavery by Solstice. He wondered who his real family was and whether they were still waiting for him somewhere. Perhaps he would find them some day.

Dame Siora Amaren continued leading the Order of the Dragon as the Grandmaster and Dragon Champion. When she wasn't on duty she frequented Viola and Darren's bakery and worked on a memorial to all the fallen dragon knights. Soon after the battle in the wasteland she reunited with her older brother, Royce Amaren, who had been working as a blacksmith in their home village in Sarleon. They both exchanged their stories about the troubling times when Sarleon was in its civil war, when the snake cult took over Sarleon for a time, and about the battle in the wasteland. Siora made sure to employ her brother at the Order of the Dragon headquarters so that they could support each other in the times ahead. Dame Siora was gifted a pendant of victory from the new king of Ravenstern with the words "Champion of Pendor". She also inherited an amulet that had engravings in an unknown language and books that were written in the same language which depicted tall humanoid beings fighting off large snakes that come from the ground.

Lord Cedric Kalandar continued to serve the Dragon Order to the best of his ability and mayyyybeee started courting Dame Siora. He ordered 7 paintings be made depicting the battle in the wasteland, with each painting showing a different part of the battle. The major scenes included: the opening charge across the wasteland in broad daylight, Lilith fighting the lich-dragon, Dame Siora leading the isolated pocket of the Dragon Order and Griffon Order knights, the heroic stand of Sir Evran, the charging of the undead rhinos into the last of the defenders in the dead of night, the burning of the undead by the holy rain while the morning light hits the battlefield, and the charge of the knighthood order and Sarleon reinforcements.Sir Bertrand of the Radiant Cross went on an important mission to scout Amala for the snake cult. He has yet to return.

The Grandmaster of the Griffon Order continued to serve Lady Viola dutifully and ensured good relations with the king of Ravenstern.

The Grandmaster of the Lion Order continued to get away with minor crimes.

Much to the dismay of the Dragon Alliance, Lilith's body was too massive to move to a grave, thus her body was cremated in one of the largest funerals Pendor had ever seen. Her fire-proof scales were collected and became guarded relics of the Dragon Order. Many bandit organizations tried to steal these scales, certain that the armour made from them would be extremely expensive. All of these bandits failed however due to the vigilance of the dragon knights whose numbers recovered overtime. Dame Siora often reminded the people that Azi Dahaka is not dead and that all people of every class needed to stay vigilant against the everpresent danger. The corrupting power of Azi Dahaka will always be a threat to the stability of the realm. Azi Dahaka's main strategy was to divide people through bribery or coercion. As long as the people of Pendor stay united, Azi Dahaka would not rise and eventually her power will be extinguished.

Across the ocean, Azi Dahaka's forces in Amala were severely weakened by the loss of their troops in the Battle for Pendor. Perhaps this will give the people of Amala a chance to rise against their oppressors. Who knows? Only time will tell...

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