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    She fell asleep on me..she was sleeping like a little baby.. she didn't snore or slob.. just slept

I gave her a kiss on the forehead..I grab my phone and texted the group chat

Ag-Hey Homos
Ag-yeah Avery
Mia-she's talking about Noelle
Avery-yeah the one on your uhm Tik Tok
Soph-yeah Ag tell us about her
Mia-LMAO..I mean
Ag-Mia stfu
Soph-did they kiss?! Is she with you Rn
Mia-probably?? And they did kiss SOPH
Ag-Mia what does stfu mean
Mac-ouu Ag.. hOw was the kiss
Ag-I'm not about to explain this shit
Soph-okay just tell us where she is now
Ag-uh.. she's laying on my me rn
Soph-omg you a simp
Ag-😂Leave me alone
     I wake up and Ag was sleep.. I smiled and kissed a on the lips just a little bit.. I grab my phone and my phone was blown up with messages

I say "Oh shit" quietly.. I unlock my phone and I realize I was in a group chat.. I respond the group chat

Noelle-hi who are you people?
Mia-oh uhm these are my friends
Noelle-oh hi Mia friends?
Mia-and Ags
Noelle-and Ags I guess
Xxx-xxx-xxx-Hi I'm Soph
•changed Xxx-Xxx-Xxx to Soph•
Noelle-Oh yeah I heard about you
Xxx-Xxx-Xxx-what about me.. Avery
•changed Xxx-Xxx-Xxx to Avery•
Noelle-not really
Xxx-Xxx-Xxx-Oh I'm Mac
•changed Xxx-Xxx-Xxx to Mac•
Noelle-okay.. what im here for?
Mia-they have questions?
Noelle-Okayy and I have answers
Soph-ouuu I like her already
Mac-you don't even know her
Avery-Mac your so rude.. damn
Mac-I'm just Saying she might just be-
Noelle-I'm not using Ag.. we aren't even
~~They ask her questions and whatever

I check the time and it was [6:30 AM].. I slowly try to not wake up Ag as I move.. I finally get off the bed..I send my streaks on Snapchat

I decided to make a Tik tok to the sound

I send my streaks on Snapchat•I decided to make a Tik tok to the sound

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After I finish making a Tik Tok.. Ag smiles and say "DaMn you fine". I smile and say "stop I look like a bum". She says "what- no the fuck you don't". I crawl back into Ag arms and Say "stop lying to meeee".

I watch Tik Toks as Ag text the group chat I was in.. I didn't let her know i was in the group chat.. I just wanted to see what she would say.

Ag-hi Guys I just woke up and uhm
Ag-Noelle basically thinks she looks like a bum
Avery-no way
Ag-yes way
Mac-can I just say uhm- that
Soph-MAC stfu
Mac-that uhm Noelle is very beautiful
Ag-I know right.. GOSH
Soph-so true Mac
Mia-you biTches woke up me for what
Ag-we didn't wake you up
Noelle-you kinda did.. and I do look a bum

Ag looks at me and say "so you were in the group chat this whole time". I smile and say "Wes" in a baby voice. She plays with me hair

I turn around and sit on Ag lap.. she says "what are you doing". I kiss her passionately

Ag flips me over so she can be on top and says "don't ever try to top me". I smile and say "okay.. whatever". Ag kisses me on the neck leaving me Hickeys

Ag stops and say "no.. we can't do this". I say "what..why?". She says "cause your not a one night stand Noelle.. I actually want to take you on a date and ask you to be my girlfriend"

I nod my head and say "okay". Ag looks at me and say "I'm sorry".. I really liked the fact that Ag didn't just want for my body.. I smile and say "no don't be sorry.. I just understand"

She laughs and say "OMG I GAVE YOU A HICKEY". I laugh with her and say "It's FINE"

[2:30 PM]
   I leave Ag house with her clothes, I drive back home and mom opens the door.. my mom says "Oh..Noelle what are you doing?". I laugh and say "Mom I'm walking into my house.. do you mean what I am wearing"

My mom laughs and say "yeah.. what are you wearing". I say "Ag clothes". She smiles and say "is that your Girlfriend". I shake my head no

My mom says "If I was bisexual I would definitely smash her". My mouth drops I say "Mom! Don't say that". She smiles and say "what I'm just saying".

I go upstairs and take a shower.. I put Ag clothes in my laundry basket.. I find something to wear

^your outfitI brush my hair

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^your outfit
I brush my hair.. braiding two peices of long hair.. I put black beads and clear ones on the braids.. I put a rubber band so the beads won't fall off

I put on cherry chapstick, put on some natural makeup..I go downstairs and eat breakfast that mom made

Jackson says "Mom Noelle gets to stay the night at her girlfriends I don't". I say "Ag is not my girlfriend.. weirdo". Jackson smirks and say "well then what's that hickey on your neck"

I touch my neck forgetting about the hickeys.. but I say anything Jackson says "oh no I meant Hickeys". I smile and say "Shut up".

Mom says "Jackson.. Noelle is response-able.. plus I know that she won't get pregnant or get anyone pregnant under my last name"

My dad says "well technically my last name". I smile and say "See JACKSON". Jackson says "shut up race me in skating".

Jackson and I rush outside after Dinner to race in skating.. I grab my board and Jackson grab he's.. i immediately get speed and start off with a good start

Bailey comes outside and say "why are you two racing". I say while racing "I don't not know".

Jackson loses and says "BYE IM GOING INSIDE". I laugh and say "Loser".
Bailey snatches Jackson board and rides with me up and down the streets

Bailey says "so how did you get that Hickey?". I say "Well uhm..". Bailey says "did you two have ya know". I laugh and say "no.. she wanted to wait""

𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒;𝖺𝗀 𝗆𝖼𝖽𝖺𝗇𝗂𝖾𝗅Where stories live. Discover now