Chapter 2

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 (thank you all for liking my first chapter! I hope you all enjoy the rest as this story grows!)

      Germany's POV

I wake up to the strong scent of vodka as I open my eyes to see Russia holding me tight as he's still asleep. "R-Russia! Get o-off of me!" I said as I shook him awake. " Я ввpxy! Я ввpxy! Чтo тeбe нyжнo в Германии? (I'm up! I'm up! What do you need Germany?)" Russia said as he finally got off of me. " I needed you off of me is what! I couldn't breathe fresh air! All I could breathe was vodka scented air!" I said angrily. "Jeez, sorry... I just got too tired to go to my bed, and it was a cold night, so I stayed... and kept you warm." Russia said, slightly blushing at what he said.

I sigh and walk away from Russia as he gets up and makes some breakfast. "What do you want for breakfast, Germany?" Russia said preparing the pots and pans. " Bratwursts and BEER." I replied. " Aren't you too young for beer?" Russia said, worried. "Well if I'm too young for beer, YOU'RE too young for vodka!"I answered angrily.

   Russia's POV

'Germany is REALLY getting on my nerves today.' I thought. "...Touche. Here's your bratwursts and beer." I say as I'm giving Germany his meal. "Thanks!" Germany says as he gives me a hug. "Uhh..." I reply awkwardly. "S-Sorry! Old habits!" Germany said as he lets go of me. " It's ok! Now when you're done with your food, you need to get ready for your first day of college here." I said as I clean up the kitchen. "Okay. What class do you have for homeroom?" Germany said, holding his schedule. " I have history for homeroom. What about you?" I reply. " I have art for homeroom..." Germany said. "Aw...that's sad..." I said. I receive a call and answer it. "Hello?" I answer. Someone familiar came from the other line. "Yo, Russia! I was wanting to ask you a question." They said. "Well, What is it?" I respond. "When can we get back together?" They replied. I froze. "A-Ame?!" I say in shock. "Who else would it be? China?" America said. " I TOLD YOU TO REMOVE MY NAME AND NUMBER OFF YOU'RE LIST! WHY DIDN'T YOU DO THAT?!" I said angrily. " But how can I contact my baby, then?" America smugly replied. " FOR THE LAST TIME, WE'RE NOT DATING ANYMORE!!!" I yell into the phone and hang up.

                                   (time-skip to their homeroom class)

   Germany's POV

I'm walking to my locker as I get shoved to other lockers by someone. "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, TRYING TO STEAL MY BF?!" the person said. "Who are you?" I reply, getting an even more pissed off face by the other person. "YOU HAVE TO KNOW WHO I AM! I'M THE MOST POPULAR GUY IN THE SCHOOL!!!" they said. " I-I only know a few people here! I'm new here!" I said. "So you know Russia? DON'T. TOUCH. HIM. OR. ELSE." he said. " Or else what?" I say confused. "YOU. WILL. DIE." he said. "D-Did you call him this morning?" I said. "DUH! I'M AMERICA! RUSSIA'S KNOWN BOYFRIEND!!!!" America said. "I-I'm sorry, but I already accidentally touched him..." I said, scared a little. " YOU. ARE. DEAD." America said as he punches me. " I-I-I Didn't mean to!"I said. "IT'S TOO LATE FOR APOLOGIES!!!!" America said, beating me up. "AHEM. WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!?" someone said. "I-It's not what it  looks like! He attacked me fir-" America was punched. " DON'T EVER TALK TO ME NOR HIM AGAIN!!!" the person said with America running away. They pick me up. " There, Now lets get you to the nurses office..." they said before I passed out.

( Oh gott, that was a pretty long chapter to make... I never knew I had this potential! Enjoy this chapter of Roomies~ and await more soon! - xXA_German_mistakeXx)

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