Chapter 7- Cursed Eye

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I looked at him and immediately got out of the chair and out the room as he asked. The whole hallway was silent for a while and suddenly I hear things falling down from inside the room and Vincent groaning.

What is going on in there?! Why did Vincent kick me out? What's wrong with him?!

I stood quiet as the chaos in the room started to increase, "Vincent I'm calling a nurse!" I said through the door.

"NO!" He responded immediately, "whatever you do, don't call for help and don't enter the room. Got it?"

"Vincent I'm calling a nurse." I said firmly.

"Everly did you hear me?!" He said angry, "don't fucking call anyone."

"Then what the hell is going on in there?!" I demanded.

"Nothing just don't fucking call anyone you hear me?!"

I sighed. Part of me wanted to run for help. My mind was wrapping itself in thoughts and decisions.

Should I just go get help? What if Vincent is in danger? What if calling for help gets him in trouble? Why would help even get him in trouble? Should I listen to him?

I looked up at the shut door and tightened my lips. The ruckus was starting to get louder and louder. That's when I decided to just give up, "Vincent I'm calling for help!" I told him immediately and started to run through the hallways hearing him shout my name in anger.

I continued running until I spotted a nurse and started to drag her where Vincent was, explaining what was going on. The nurse looked at me startled then looked at the door and immediately opened it, telling me to stay in my position and not move.

She then headed into the dark room and turned on the lights. Everything was silent for a moment until I heard a petrifying scream. Next thing I know is the nurse running away from the room with a face of agitation.

I saw her run through the hallways, seeking for someone.

What happened to Vincent? Why did she give such a horrific scream?

I slowly moved inside the room looking around at the mess Vincent had made. I put my bangs behind my ear and looked around then spotted Vincent on the floor, his face hidden from exposure.

"Vincent?" I said slowly.

"Don't come close." He said in his monotone voice, "I told you not to get help..."

I gulped. I could feel the tension between us in the air. I could feel his anger and insecurity.

"Y-you were making a lot of noise and that started to concern me."

"I specifically told you not to get help Everly. Specifically." He said in a growl.

Shit. I'm in trouble with him... Oh god he's so scary when he's mad it's unreal. I just want to get out of here.

I stood silent while looking at him then let out a murmur.

"What was that?" He asked demandingly while still hiding his face.

"I care for your health." I said a little louder.

He scoffed at my words, "if you would really care then you wouldn't have called for help."

That was then my breaking point, "oh really?" I said angrily at him, "so now I can't be concerned for you?"

"It's best you don't. You worsen things." He said dully.

"Oh I worsen things?!" I said as my fury started to increase.

"Yes you do actually. I told you NOT TO CALL FOR HELP and what do you do? You call for FUCKING HELP EVERLY! I god damn told you and I even screamed it to you but no it's like I'm talking to a wall! For fucks sake, a WALL!" He said angrily.

"What's so wrong calling for help?!" I said vexed while walking up to him.

"What's wrong is-"

"Everly get away from him!" A voice suddenly said. I turned around to find executives pointing guns at both me and Vincent.

What the hell are they even doing here? And why are they pointing their guns at-

"Don't do anything stupid half-ghoul," said one of the executives, "we will shoot without hesitation."

I instantly turned to look at Vincent who has his head up, exposing a red pupil surrounded by black sclera. My eyes widened as his eyes glanced at me. My heart stopped and it was dead silent. It felt like everything was frozen in time.

No way. No. No this can't be
happening. Why does he- how did he even get- what? Vincent is a...

I stared at him. Not knowing what to say. Not knowing how to react. Not knowing what to think. My breathing stopped. My stomach dropped. Vincent stared back at me with his dry look, "this was why I denied help." He whispered.

I slowly felt my eyes fill with tears.

Did I just endangered Vincent? Is Vincent going to die because of me? I just betrayed Vincent. Vincent is a half-ghoul and I turned him in.

"Vincent-" I said starting to walk closer to him.

"Everly get away from him!" Shouted one of the executives.

My ears shut out his words as I continued to walk towards Vincent.
He looked at me with beautiful grey eye and his unfortunate red eye, "Everly stay back." Said Vincent slowly and dully.

I then paused reminding myself of what happened with the last ghoul I encountered and how it fed off me.

Vincent isn't like that ghoul. Vincent isn't that ghoul. Vincent is human. He's still human. Vincent wouldn't do that. Out of all the people in the world, why Vince?

My feet then started to move towards him. He was the magnet and I was the one that wanted to get attached.

"Everly," He said slowly while standing up. I then heard all the guns getting ready to pull the trigger.

"Everly you have to get away from me." He said firmly.

"I-I don't want to! I'm sorry Vincent I'm sorry!" I plead as if my life depended on it. Vincent looked down at me then up at the executives, "take her out of my reach. I don't want to endanger her." He growled.

"Vince-" I hear my mouth say before an executive then pulls me away from him. I find myself resisting their touch. I wanted to go with Vincent. I didn't want to leave him alone.

"Everly stop struggling!" Said the executive, grabbing me from my waist and carrying me away.

"No no no!" I said pushing and kicking away. I started to throw a tantrum towards the executives.

I suddenly then felt one of them inject something in me. My vision started to get blurry. My knees started to weaken. I was starting to get sleepy. My mind was shutting off. My muscles eased.

"Vincent.... Don't... Leave..." Murmured my mouth slowly as I get my last glance at Vincent. He was staring down at me with the eye he was brought upon. My eyes then close as my final image of him was his cursed eye.

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