Chapter 16- Soft

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"S-she's... C-cheating on... Y-you w-with... C-Clyde." I say through groans. I look down at my bloody hand. My vision blurs as I blink each time. My mind starts to shut off, my ears ring and I start to turn weak. I give my last exhale air and collapse on the cold floor, hearing Vincent scream my name.

The atmosphere is cold. My body resting against something cold. I flicker my eyes open and look at the room, the pitch black room. I stand up slowly while exhaling air. My breath was visible within all the darkness and faded away. My hair was back again to short just like 2 years ago. My feet leave a neon blue trail beneath their steps. The little hairs on my head let out a blue streak each time they flowed through the air.

I started to walk slowly around the room, not knowing where I was going and not knowing why. I hugged myself, trying to insulate the heat of my body. Instead it shook like a chihuahua in the room.

"Keep walking Everly. Keep walking." Echoed a voice. I paused and looked around, "who are you?" I asked, "and why am I here?"

"Your oblivion is fascinating Everly. You're as curious as a naive child facing the world." Chuckled the voice. I listened intently, "you sound like a family member."

"Is that so?" It said. I continued walking while thinking, "you sound like mother..."

The voice snickered, "you're amusing."

"And you have Vincent's attitude..." I grumbled, "where am I?"

"I don't know." Said the voice, "you could be in someone's mind or in yours. Who knows?"

"Are you in control of this place?" I said as my legs shivered with each step and my teeth chattered like an old car's motor.

"You interrogate too much..." It said, "I find that annoying."

"Well if you'd tell me what I asked for then maybe I wouldn't be so annoying." I say.

"So what if I can control the room? What's it to you? What do you want from it?"

"Well can you at least put a heater?! I'm turning into a popsicle over here." I snapped.

The voice laughed, "oh you're so amazing. Why don't you just walk."

"How is that going to serve a purpose?" I said through teeth chatterings. A gleam of light then appeared at the end of the room.

"What's that?" I asked.

"I don't know. Why don't you find out?" The voice said.

"Does it have a heater?"


"Them I'm going in." I say while walking.

"You better hurry up then." Teased the voice. I started to run while the light was starting to diminish. I continued panting while running towards light. When I was close enough I jumped through. My hair suddenly grew longer and I was falling down from the sky. I turned my falling body over and looked down. Trees filled the ground beneath me and my eyes squinted, "this is going to hurt..." I murmured while turning my body again.

My body clashed with the floor, sending electrical shocks of pain all over my body. I screamed and blue surges of electricity ignited from my hands into the roots of the trees, lighting them on fire. I panted while looking down, trying to endure the pain from my horrific fall. I stood up slowly and looked around the wildfire.

The fumes intoxicated my lungs and I started to cough. Each tree burned brightly, as if wanting to catch attention. I started to run through the trees, avoiding to clash with any falling or fallen branches. While running, a branch scratched my arm. I wince in pain but continue running.

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