Chapter 13- That Son of a B-

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"You heard me." He said coldly while putting his chair back in its place. He then looked down at the chair I was siting in, patiently waiting.

Immediately, I stood up and moved away. He grabbed the chair and put it back in its place.

"Alright let's go." He said nodding. I nodded, turned and started to walk, "Oi careful-" shouted Vincent. My foot suddenly intertwined with some cords laying on the floor. Next thing I know, I was falling towards the floor. I felt a hand tug my arm. I shut my eyes tightly, waiting for pain to surge my body. After a while I paused, feeling someone's breath on my neck.

Oh god don't tell me...

I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling, a warm body over mine, "fucking Ev." I hear Vincent grumble while standing up, still pinning me down, "don't be such an idiot next time." He growled in a low voice while looking at me. I nodded quickly and he sighed, "are you okay?" He asked.

I nodded again obediently. The door to the staff room then opened and the old man from earlier emerged. He was humming a song then paused at our sight, "I might have entered at a wrong time..." He chuckled nervously.

"Smh." Said Vincent while standing up completely and tugging my arm, pulling me up in an instant, "there was just an accident." Said Vincent while looking away.

The old man chuckled then looked at me, "oh you're the young lady from earlier."

Vincent then glanced at me and I nodded, "yeah I'm an old friend of Vincent." The old man raised an eyebrow with a playful look on his face and chuckled, "Vincent head home it's late."

"Yes sir." Said Vincent nodding obediently and walking out the door, "hurry up Ev."

I farewelled the old man and caught to Vincent who was already far away from the shop. When I caught up, I was panting a little, "have you herd of slowing down?!" I said through each pant. He gave a small snicker and continued to walk.

After a while of walking, we arrived to small building. Vincent opened the door to the building and beckoned me to go inside. He then closed the door after himself and headed to an elevator. I followed like a lost puppy. We both then headed inside the elevator and Vincent pressed the button for the 3rd floor.

I waited in silence. Vincent was leaning on the walls as his fingers traced his lips over and over again. I looked down at my shoes and fondled with them while putting strands of hair behind my ear. I then paused and looked over my shoulder to find Vincent staring at me.

Shit... I did what he asked me not to do...

"Sorry. It's a habit." I said in a low voice.

"Then it's probably inevitable for you not to do it again." He said stretching while exhaling air. The elevator then stopped and opened its doors. Vincent and I headed out. Vincent reached into his pocket and grabbed his keys. He then faced a door and opened it.

We both headed inside and I closed the door behind us. Vincent placed his keys on his kitchen counter. His house was simple but rather elegant. He had a glass coffee table, green plants here and there, a black couch, a plasma tv (wherever he got that thing from...), and a polished, Honduran wood floor.

"Very observant I see." Said Vincent while taking off his leather jacket and placing it on the coat hanger.

"Yeah it's a very nice home. As simple as the dormitory you had back at headquarters." I remarked.

"Simplicity is beauty after all." He said, ruffling his hair.

"Poet much?" I chuckled.

"Take a seat Ev. I'll be right back. This uniform is annoying me." He stated while taking off his tie and unbuttoning his shirt. He then paused and looked at me, "mind hanging the tie on the coat hanger?"

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