Chapter 11- Encounter

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"Extra weapon?"

"Check again."

"Water bottle?"

"Oh my lord, what's next? Asking me if I'm breathing?" I said in disbelief.

"Sorry Everly but I wanna make sure you come safe." Said Eleanor nodding unsurely.

"I'll be fine. I promise I'll come back alive." I said as I held up my pinky for her. She looked down at it then back at me and wrapped it with hers gently. I held it firmly and she gave a small chuckle of pain, "sorry Eleanor." I chuckled while letting go.

"it's alright. My fingers weren't always the strongest." She said while heading out the room with me, "I do hope I can see you back at headquarters by 9. It's currently 5."

"So I have a curfew now?" I asked while heading inside the elevator.

"Yes ma'am." She said in a firm voice that rather sounded sweet.

"You're such a mom." I laughed while the elevator headed down into the main hall.

"I know." She smiled, "Vincent would tell me the same thing."

"That's right I had forgotten." I said while heading out the elevator. 2 years. I started to walk in silence but Eleanor stopped me in my tracks, "your hair needs to be tied!"

I then turned around from her, giving my back and she gathered my hair, turning into a ponytail. After she was done I thanked her and headed out the doors. I inhaled and exhaled air and looked around. It was a peaceful day.

A brightly shined sun and crisp cool air filled the atmosphere. I gathered up my wits and started to walk out of the gates into the outside world. I walked around and headed towards the heart of the city then paused, realizing that I didn't know where to start.

Damn I didn't plan this far. Where should I start? where where where...

I looked around at people walking in all directions. I decided to wonder off and follow the grey cement.

Maybe it wasn't a good idea to leave at 5... Ghouls are more nocturnal when it comes to feeding and lurking. Especially in alleys. Maybe I'll look around in the city until it starts to get dark.

I decided to observe the skyscrapers of the city and its urbanest landscapes. After an hour or two of walking, I decided to head inside a coffee shop. The coffee shop seemed to have some few customers.

I looked around for a little and sat at a table next to a huge window. I took out my journal and pencil. The lead was against the white sheet of paper when I was greeted by a waitress, "good afternoon ma'am."

"Good afternoon." I said while looking down at the paper.

"I'm Dilid and I'll be your waitress for the time being," She said while handing me a menu, "please take your time in deciding what to eat and I'll come back to you once you're ready."

"I'd just like a glass of orange juice." I said immediately. She looked at me a little surprised and nodded, writing my order in her notepad.


"Yes ma'am." I nodded.

"Anything else?" She asked while trying to look at my face.

I move my head and eyes to look at her and nodded, "nothing else thank you."

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