Chapter 17- Coffee Flavored

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I shifted over the bed, finding more space than when I had fallen asleep. I exhaled air and opened my eyes gently to murmurs. Vincent was talking to the nurse, "well Mr.Grey," murmured the nurse, "the original price for the care was $2,000 but it is currently $1,850 from the recent payments you've made."

I paused.

Wait... He's paying for my treatment?

Vincent sighed tiredly, "alright and by when do I have to get that money in?"

"By the next 2 weeks Mr.Grey." She said. He nodded and she excused herself from the room. Vincent plopped in a chair and looked down. He then placed his hands on his face, elbows resting on his knees. He sighed of stress and gripped on his hair in frustration, "first the rent and now the treatment and medications..." He murmured to himself.

I opened my eyes completely and sat up. He looked up at me with messy hair, strands popping out of everywhere, "what's wrong Vincent?" I asked while rubbing my eyes.

"It's nothing Ev. Go back to sleep." He grumbled while tilting his head back, exposing his Adam's apple.

"Are you sure Vincent?"

"Yes Everly I told you yes." He said angrily. I gulped. He sighed, "I'm sorry Ev. I just haven't been in the greatest conditions lately."

"I can tell. Was the nap not restful enough?"

"No no it was. It blanked out my mind from the worries I had."


"Your health of course." He said nodding.

I looked at him and at my arms. I gently removed the tubes from my arms and everything else. The machinery started to give out a loud beep and Vincent paused to look at me. I was getting off the bed, my feet touching the cold floor. I started to walk towards Vincent. I held onto the bed while walking and let go.

A surge of pain ignited from the side of my stomach to my legs. My legs wiggled and started to weaken. Vincent immediately stood up from his chair and grabbed me, kneeling down with me, "what the hell are you doing?!" He asked.

"I want to help myself." I said while my head rested on his arm.

"You could of just told me you idiot!" He said dully.

"No you're already doing many things for me."

Vincent looked at me, "you're just blabbering." He said while picking me up, "am I really blabbering?" I snapped, "you're paying for my medical bill. That's the reason why you're so worn out."

He looked away, ignorant of what I said and placed me down on the bed. He attached all the tubes and cables back to me then looked up at me, "don't do that again." He demanded. I looked at him. Vincent's restless face showed seriousness.

I sighed and nodded, "yes Vincent." He sat down at the edge of the bed while looking at me, "why are you paying for my medical bills?" I asked.

"It was my fault you were injured the way you were." He sighed while stroking his hair back.

"It was Dilid's fault..." I say looking at him. Vincent was looking down in shame. He stared at the white blankets, thinking, "I just wasn't fast enough to save you." He grumbled.

He shouldn't be feeling this way. He shouldn't be doing these things. He shouldn't even be looking the way he's looking...

I put strands behind my ear and wrap my arms around his neck and pulled him close to me. I hugged him with all my strength, even though he's wasn't the type of guy that did hugs, "it's okay. I promise it will all be fine in the end. You'll get rewarded for your strengths and your good deeds. I promise you will." I whisper softly then let go of him, grabbed his cheeks, and looked at him in the eye "you're a good guy Vincent. You're not the one to blame. I promise I'll get better for you and that your efforts won't be done in vain."

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