Naruto Seven Minutes In Heaven Shikamaru

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       Jiraiya walked around the room for a moment or two, then finally stopped at you. "You look like you're ready to play, am I right?" Before you'd even attempted to answer, he held out the large bucket for you.

"I am very ready to play, actually. I've been ready for a long, long time now." You felt around for a moment then, unable to wait any longer, pulled out a very small wooden block. "Oh, a Shogi piece. Shikamaru, is this yours?"

Shikamaru had fallen asleep on the couch while awaiting his turn. "Hey, get up, it's your turn." Choji jerked Shikamaru around, waking him from his nap.

"Huh? Oh, right, okay I'm going." Slowly and sleepily, Shikamaru walked over to the closet and sat on the floor."

"Try not to have too much fun with this guy. I know he's a real firecracker and all, but try to keep it clean." Jiraiya led you to the closet with a smile. "I'll see you both in seven minutes. And Shika, don't fall asleep on her okay?" The door was now shut and locked.

You found a place close to Shikamaru and sat down. "You can sleep if you want. I won't be upset. I'm pretty comfortable too, you can use me as a pillow."

Shikamaru shook his head apathetically. "No, it's fine. I was just bored out there. Not really a ton of fun to stare at a closet door for seven minutes, over and over again." What he said next shocked you a bit. "I'd actually like to enjoy my seven minutes in here. It could be nice you know. I won't have my mom breathing down my back." He looked over to you with a nonchalant look on his face. "If you don't want to, that's fine too." He shrugged.

"No, I want to. I mean we can." You blushed. "Either way's fine with me. Whatever you want to do." You were talking rather quickly, and probably annoying Shikamaru.

"Okay." That was, it, that's all he said. He moved closer to you and placed a rough hand on your cheek. Slowly he pressed his lips to yours and began kissing you. Your face lit on fire as he touched you. As gentle as he was, he was able to make you turn to mush. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him deeper. Shikamaru let out a low moan that sent vibrations through your entire chest. You leaned into him, wanting to feel as much of him on you as possible. Shikamaru wrapped his arms around you tightly, pressing your entire bodies together, leaving no air space between them. He kissed all along your collar bone and neck sending shivers down your spine. The two of you heard the sound of the door unlock. "Pretend nothing happened." Shikamaru placed another quick kiss on your cheek and moved away from you.

Jiraiya opened the door. "Really you two? Nothing at all, not even a little cuddling in the dark? Gee you two are boring."

"Of course not. You know how my mom is. If I had touched her, I would have had to marry her." Shikamaru sighed.

"You have a very valid point there. I hadn't thought of that before." Jiraiya laughed. "Oh well, now get out of the closet. You're holding things up."

Shikamaru took your hand and led you out of the closet. "Thanks for not saying anything. My mom can be pretty crazy. I really have no idea why my dad married her at all."

"You two made out in there didn't you?" Choji was grinning ear to ear as he shoveled chips into his mouth. "I can tell because Shikamaru's actually kind of smiling. He doesn't smile unless he's done something he's not supposed to. But don't worry, I'll keep your secret, as long as you supply me with plenty of chips."

"I do that anyway Choji." Shikamaru sighed.

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