Naruto Seven Minutes In Heaven Neji

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     Jiraiya calls you up to the center of the room and places the large bucket in front of you. You place your hand inside the mountain of items and begin searching for one you like. After a few seconds of searching you come across something smooth on one side, and cold, wet, and oddly shaped on the other. You lift it out of the bucket only to find a half eaten apple. "Really, what the hack people?" You scrunch up your nose.

"I was eating an apple when Jiraiya wanted something of mine. I don't exactly go places prepared to play childish games. I wasn't the one who put my apple in the bucket, it was Jiraiya. I would have very much liked to have finished my snack." Neji glared over at Jiraiya.

Jiraiya held his hands up in a defensive position, laughing nervously. "Come on Neji, I can buy you another apple. It's not the end of the world you know. Now, stop fretting over that, and come over here." He opened up the closet door  and signaled you both inside with one long swooping motion of his hand."You are making the others wait you know." Neji disgruntlement walked over and into the closet, sitting on the floor and crossing his arms. "Guy must really have been hungry. Well try to have some fun. See you in seven." You were both now locked in the dark, messy closet.

"I apologize for my earlier actions, they were out of bounds and childish. I would like to put it all behind us." He was completely serious about this, even though he hadn't really done anything worth apologizing for.

"You didn't do anything Neji, really, it's fine." You sent him a sweet smile. "Besides, most people get grumpy when they're hungry. I know I do."

"That's true, but still." He sighed. "I know better than to act that way. I should make it up to you." He really was taking this far too seriously. Especially for someone who just moments ago had sad he'd wanted to leave it behind him. "Are you hungry? I could take us both someplace to eat, seeing as I can't eat my apple."

You couldn't help but laugh. "Are you still upset about your apple? You really hold a grudge don't you? But I am pretty hungry, we've been here for a while now."

He nodded. "Good, then it's settled. As soon as we get out of this closet I'll take you somewhere to eat. I promise it won't be anything like ramen either."

"Okay, but before we leave, there's just one thing I've got to do." You quickly moved to almost on top of Neji, holding his face in your hands and kissing him before he had a chance to protest or react. Once he did react, all he did was blush.  You finally pulled away and just smiled at him.

"I suppose I forgot why we were in here. You took me quite by surprise. I won't forget that you know." He was still in slight shock when Jiraiya opened the door.

"Hey, times up you two. Have any fun?" Jiraiya opened the door wide, greeting you both with a wide smile.

Neji didn't answer Jiraiya, just helped you up and began walking out of the closet. "You ready to go? I think I have a place you'll like."

"Are you still upset with me over that apple? Come on, I said I'll buy you another one. Where are you two going? Come back." Jiraiya continued to plead as you left the room hand in hand.

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