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I read somewhere once that most people meet their soulmate before the age of twenty-one. However, no study actually states this as a proven fact. Lots of things in your late ages change within you. Things can happen in your life that can completely change how your life truly plays out. Every little possible move, word, or action done by someone helps lay out the fabric of your timeline. That timeline keeps changing because of that fact, sometimes something big or small can change it.

Between the ages of eighteen to twenty-one is usually when people are in the process of finding out who they are as a person. This is where they struggle to find exactly where they belong in the world. People find themselves settling down in their twenties, which doesn't leave too much time for them to meet new people. Hence, making it kind of hard to find your soulmate within this time.

I for one, actually believe that you do find your soulmate before twenty-one. I believe this because I honestly know I had already found mine. He came into my life during my Sophomore year of high school, and he came crashing into my life as a bulldozer does to a dilapidated building.

My whole life up until that point was what I believe to be a building that was obviously still a work in progress but had a very solid foundation. One that had promise and would be a century before it would need remodeling. That was until a bulldozer came and crashed into that building, it didn't destroy it, but it did rattle the foundation a bit.

I still remember that day rather vividly. I was rushing down the hallway frantically looking at room numbers as I power walked. It was my first day of Sophomore year in an entirely new school. My dad was offered a better position with his company based out of Denver a couple of months ago. So naturally, my life was uprooted from one town to another. Placing me in an entirely new place.

So here I was, the new girl in a school just trying not to be late on my first day. I was starting to panic more and more as I rushed down the hall. Worrying more about finding my class than paying attention to the hallway and its occupants in my path. That was until I ran into what I assumed to be a brick wall. The force of the collision caused my binder and everything else in my hands to go flying, as well as my body.

I was thrown back and with such grace, lost my footing, causing my body with all its weight to slam into the floor. The wind was knocked out of me, causing me to gasp for breath. Looking up frantically, my gaze locked onto a man hovering above me with a devilish-looking grin across his face. I froze and I could feel my heart skipping a beat. He was the most invigorating sight I've ever laid eyes on.

From that moment on I was utterly and hopelessly drawn to this boy. There was an immediate connection to him and it was so strong in a way I have never ever experienced before. I wanted nothing more than to know everything about him. It was like my whole body was completely obsessed with him.

That day was when the building that was my life got a new blueprint for an addition. That chance meeting changed my timeliness. I went through the next three years falling deeper and hopelessly in love with him. Which was funny to me, I was never interested in anyone romantically until I met him.

Over those years as our connection grew stronger, we fell into a blissful happiness with one other. From the very beginning, it felt like we had honestly known each other all our lives. I felt naturally safe and comfortable around him. He brought feelings I never knew I could have. We shared the same sense of humor about everything and anything.

However, when it comes to your soulmate if you ever lose them. It feels as if your heart has been completely ripped from your chest. You feel an overwhelming sense of dread and fear. A broken heart is the absolute worst feeling anyone could feel. It is like broken ribs, nobody can see them but the pain of it gets more unbearable every time you breathe.

When you're with your soulmate, you experience a love so deep, intense, and complex; that you begin to doubt that you ever or will ever truly love anyone else the same way. Your soulmate understands and connects with you in every way and on every level, which brings peace, calmness, and happiness whenever you're around them. And when you're not around them, you are all that much more aware of the harshness of life, and how bonding with another person in this way is the most significant and satisfying thing you will ever experience in this lifetime.

That is exactly how I feel at this moment. That no one will ever even begin to compare to him. No one will ever love me or I, them, as we did each other. There is no one else I could ever feel the same way with for the rest of my life because I already had my soulmate.

The name of my soulmate will always be burned into my heart, the name James Richard Wilson.

He came into my life by shaking my foundation. Then he added onto it as the addition that my life needed. Then, before I knew it, that addition was being steamrolled over flattening it, creating a rift in my lifeline. Throwing off my whole equilibrium.

So this story just came to me and I started writing it today and couldn't stop. I don't want to give too much away quite yet but I hope there are those out there that will be along for this wild ride of emotions. Enjoy.

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