A New Day

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Today for some reason felt different to me since the moment I opened my eyes. For once in this miserable decade, that's past I found myself getting out of bed effortlessly. I got up with a smile on my face and pep to my step. It was like something was willing me to get ready and make my way to work.

I didn't question it though. No. This was a feeling I found myself helplessly clutching onto with every fiber of my being. When you've spent so long in a very depressive state mentally, you grasp helplessly to any string of hope. Any sense of happiness is like a drug that a part of you wants to shoot up into your vein like heroin.

With my heroin coursing through my veins I got myself ready to face my day with a smile on my face. I made myself a to-go cup of coffee, grabbed my keys, and headed into the office.

My day went by like any others. My morning consisted of examinations and my afternoon was surgeries. Sometimes when I don't have too many surgeries scheduled I'll even take some afternoon exams as well. Today, I only had room for one. Which was lucky cause we had a last-minute call in and since I was in such a great mood today I told the receptionist that I'll happily squeeze them in.

My tech Kinsey briefed me that it was an adorable little Corgi by the name of Ein. She was just in for a yearly check-up, apparently, her owner decided to change Vets last minute, hence the last-minute scheduled visit.

Usually, basic exams are performed by the Vet Tech but I like to see all my new patients just so I can touch base with my client to better understand the patient and their owner. So when I was notified of their arrival, Kinsey and I walked into the exam room together.

I walked in holding Ein's new chart with her registration papers. I decided to read it as I went to greet the client, reading off their name as I did so. Once the name came out of my mouth, my whole body went cold.

"Good evening Mr. Wilson..." James... James Wilson.

My head snapped up and I was faced with the one man I never ever thought I'd see again.

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