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It was great being able to catch up with Aleks again. Afterwards James ended up coming back to my place again and staying with me. Mostly because I didn't want him driving more than to my house considering how tired he was. It was extremely late when we left the warehouse and he had been horsing around and filming stuff most of the day. So he basically passed out not long after getting home.

I, however, found myself unable to sleep with the way my brain was all over the place. Worrying about where exactly we stood again. I knew I had to talk to James about it, but I was scared to. I'm afraid me bringing up all of the pain again will cause him to think I don't want us to work, or worse, make him not want to rekindle with me. I didn't want to chase him away now that I finally had him back.

I ended up sliding out of bed slowly so I didn't wake him and quietly making my way downstairs. I headed into the kitchen, poured myself a cup of Sweet Tea, and then took a seat at the kitchen table. I sat with my hands on either side of my glass just staring at its contents as I let my mind wonder. Thinking about my mental struggle about James.

I have no clue how long I had been sitting there considering I was tuned out from the world. I was finally pulled from my thoughts by James as he sleepily stumbled into the kitchen. I sheepishly smiled up at him as he walked over to me.

"What are you doing Addy?" He asked with a horse voice. "I woke up and panicked when you weren't next to me."

"Sorry, I couldn't sleep." I replied truthfully.

James looked at me concerned as he took a seat across from me, he reached out his hands, and took mine in his own; "What's wrong Addy?" He asked.

I slightly squeezed his hands as I built up the courage, "I'm worried." I whispered.

"Worried about what?" He asked tilting his head slightly.

I felt a small pang in my chest and the feeling of uncertainty pass over me. The fear of telling him weighed even more on my conscience than it had previously. I could tell James could read my uncertainty and I watched as he left my right hand go to reach up and caress my check. He softly lifted my face and looked into my eyes.

"You can tell me what's wrong Adalyn." He encouraged me, "You know I'm a great listener."

The memories of all the countless times we spent sitting together as I voiced my feeling to him flashed through my mind. The countless nights we spent all night as I vented about stupid things, all the while he would just sit there listening as I talked. Only speaking words to let me know he was listening, clinging onto every word.

He was always so good to me. The pure definition of a perfect boyfriend. All this brought me was more pain though. I felt terrible that I allowed the man who held the deepest feelings for me, go a decade in pain from losing me. Made me want to crawl deep into a hole. To hide away from him. Of course he wasn't about to let me do that.

"Adalyn, please tell me what's wrong." He begged as he wiped away tears that I hadn't even realized where sliding down my face.

I tried my hardest to fight them back but they just kept slowly falling. Choking back sobs I finally spoke, "I'm afraid James." I whispered.

"Afraid of what?" He asked with a face full of concern.

"Afraid that the past decade of pain was too much. That it'll weigh too much on you and you'll eventually get fed up." I started to ramble, unable to stop myself.

I ended up just laying everything out to him, barely catching my breath with each sentence, even with each word that flew out of my mouth. About my fear that he may eventually worry that I don't still love him. That he'll be afraid I'm going to leave him again. That the weight of the past will influence our ability to rekindle what we once were.

By the end of my babbling I could barely speak a word. My throat started to go horse from me speaking and choking back the sobs. Those sobs were what finally cut me off because they became too much to handle. I just couldn't hold them back anymore.

"Oh Adalyn." He said as he stood up and came over to me.

Without another word James literally swept me up from the chair bridal style. He swung around and carried me from the kitchen the whole way to my bedroom. Once there he laid me down and immediately crawled in and pulled me over to him. We both lay there on our sides facing each other and he once again, placed his hand on my cheek.

"Listen to me Adalyn Grace." He insisted causing my eyes to meet his. "You've been everything to me since the day you literally crashed into me. This past decade without you has been literal hell."

That last sentence hit hard and the sobs started to get worse. My anxiety kicking it into overdrive at this point.  He shushed me softly before leaning forward and kissing my forehead. Then he leaned his against mine, and looked deep into my eyes.

"Adalyn, I love you so fucking much. You truly have no idea." He told me and I could see the pure truth of his words shinning from his eyes. "With that said, I just got you back and I'm not about to lose you again."

"So.... you wa--nt to-to be wi--with me?" I stuttered out through sobs.

"Addy, I've always wanted you." He said before kissing my forehead again and only pulling back enough that we could see each others faces, "I have since the day you slammed into my life." He said the last part with that classic smirk plastered upon his face.

My heart was literally bursting causing me to crash my lips onto his. The love I had for him literally came crashing into me like a powerful wave from the ocean. And as I came up for air it felt like I was floating and being carried out. Just knowing how James truly felt made me the happiest woman in the world right now. I had my soulmate back.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2023 ⏰

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