Hardwork and Dedication

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Senior year started out rocky for us and everyone around us could see it. It put a strain on us, as well as everything and everyone around us. It all started when we sat down to talk about where we wanted to take our lives in the future.

James wanted to stay in Colorado and start up a group YouTube channel with his group of friends who were also YouTubers. I always supported his desire to do YouTube and I wanted him to succeed. He was already doing phenomenal with his viewer and subscriber count climbing with each day. The guys had a huge promise of a group channel taking off just as well, with how great their viewer count was on videos they did together on their channels.

I, however, wanted to become a Veterinarian. It was my dream ever since I was a child and all through high school I busted my ass to get the best grades possible so I could achieve that goal. James was always supportive of my decision too. He helped me any chance he could. He was the first person to be there to help me study. He was the person who looked over my homework (even if he didn't understand a lick of it). He was my number-one line of support.

These two entirely different career paths, eventually, lead to our downfall. James always held on to the hope that I would eventually settle to going to school close to home. That was never the plan though, and he knew it. He knew I would never settle for anything but the best. To keep him happy though I applied to schools in Colorado, however, my main focus was the best of the best. That being the University of California - Davis School of Veterinary Medicine.

Things were decent until I received my acceptance letters though. James was there when I opened them all. He was excited to find out I was accepted to every school I applied to in Colorado. I, of course, saved the one I really wanted to go to for last. I was so nervous I was shaking when I opened the letter. I remember him stopping me and looking deep into my eyes, telling me that no matter what it said that he loved me and he'd be here for me.

Well, I opened it...

Right there in bold letters was "We take great pleasure in congratulating you on your acceptance" I was over the moon with excitement. Everything I worked towards was right there in my hands. All my hard work and dedication paid off.

James however, was heartbroken that day. That was the day he realized that I was going to be leaving him and Colorado behind.

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