Left Behind

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After that day is when the strain on our relationship tugged the most. That was when the bond we created and nurtured up until this point began to crumble before our eyes.

James begged and pleaded with me to take one of the other offers. He didn't want to be that far away from me. We both knew though that I was never going to do that. We both knew that going to California was what I had spent all four years of High School striving to achieve. I had done it and we both knew I wasn't going to turn back now.

The rest of our Senior year was spent in a very dark spot in our relationship. We began seeing less and less of one another. James focused on his videos and I focused on applying for all the scholarships and grants I could, as well as studying for finals. In the end, my road to California was pretty much solidified when I was awarded a full-ride scholarship.

He tried his hardest after graduation and all summer to change my mind. As time grew nearer to my departure things really started to get worse. Our relationship was reaching its breaking point. It did, two weeks before I was due to leave for college that fall... The last time we ever saw each other was the day I left. Even then he gave a last-ditch effort to try and convince me not to leave. He begged and pleaded, but I didn't listen.

If I did that, I wouldn't be feeling like I do now though and we all know that. If I had done what James had wanted me to, I wouldn't be writing these words. So no, I didn't stay with James. I got into that car that day and rode off to California with my parents.

That was the day I left Colorado, my friends, and my soulmate behind.

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