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Danny furrowed his brows when he hit another wrong note again. He tried again. He hit the notes slowly, but he still made mistakes. He grunted as he repositioned himself again. He was asking himself why he even bothered to learn this stupid thing, but his determination urged him to keep going on. 

Vlad sighed as he finished tidying up his study. He wondered how Daniel and Jasmine are doing. He walked through the halls that led to the guest bedrooms Jazz and Danny were staying in. 

Maddie and Jack dropped them off so they could go to a haunted area where it's not "child appropriate". 

Vlad went to Danny's room first. When he knocked, there was no response. He stuck his head in the door and only saw the empty bedroom. He went along and headed towards Jazz's place. 

He knocked on her door and she opened it with a smile. "Good evening, Jasmine. How are you doing?" Vlad asked with his polite smile. "I'm fine," Jazz replied, smiling back. "Do you perhaps know where Danny's whereabouts is?" Vlad asked. "Oh!" Jazz perked up, "he's in the instrument room. He's practicing piano." 

Vlad nodded and Jazz closed her door. Now, Vlad wondered, "since when does Danny practice piano?" 

Vlad peaked into the instrument room and there Danny was. Trying to play the piano with sheet music in front. Vlad held back a chuckle as he walked silently towards Danny. 

Danny groaned in annoyance as he missed another note. Vlad leaned and chuckled. "Gaah!" Danny yelped in surprise and fell on the chair. Vlad chuckled as he helped Danny up. "So, you want to play the piano?" Vlad asked with an amused smirk, "how come?"

Danny blushed and looked away. Vlad rolled his eyes at the shyness of the boy. He sat on the chair and patted at the space beside him. Danny was confused but sat otherwise. "Now," Vlad started, "first thing about piano is your hands..." Vlad positioned them and corrected Danny on his fingers. "Now, you don't go straight to songs. Let's start with exercises," Vlad said as he thought Danny how to play. 

An hour, Danny was able to play the basics of the piano. He thought that Vlad was a great teacher. He wonders how good he'll be if he teaches him with his powers. 

Right now, Danny was struggling to press some chords. Vlad sighed as he took Danny's hand, which he blushed. Vlad then played the chords with Danny's fingers, and of course he enjoyed it. 

The rest of the day was spent there, playing music. 

And times like this, Vlad was reminded how he wanted Danny so bad. He wanted to teach him, help him. He smiled proudly when Daniel finally played the whole song in perfection. 

Danny looked up at Vlad and smiled. After they resolved their differences with each other, Vlad became more and more like a father-figure that Jack would never be. 

He hugged him, and to Danny's surprise, Vlad hugged him back. 


Pride Month is about Love. And there are many types of love, not just romantic. 

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