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Virgil was rushing around the town, getting every single book he could think of for his first day at his new high school. He had never wanted to move to Mind Palace (frankly, he thought it was a stupid name) but he had no choice. His mum had got a new job here so he had to move, like it or not. He had his hood pulled over his eyes and his headphones on full blast so he couldn't have stopped what happened next. Someone wearing a red shirt and white jeans crashed into him. It was their fault entirely because they were walking backwards, talking to someone wearing a green crop top and black ripped jeans. Virgil was knocked onto the ground. "Hey, watch where you're going, Hot Topic." The boy in the red shirt snarled. Virgil rolled his eyes inwardly as he got up. Three seconds into meeting this person and he already had a nickname for him. "Ro, that's not fair. You were walking backwards." The other boy said, helping Virgil pick up his books. "Apologise like mum told you to." He said seriously. The boy in the red shirt rolled his eyes. "Sorry Hot Topic." He muttered. Virgil rolled his eyes, collected the last of his books and muttered "Whatever" before speeding away from the two boys, his face burning. That was so embarrassing and those boys definetly went to his school. He would be a laughing stock before he even went to school for his first day. Virgil mentally cringed at what people might say before calling his mum to come pick him up.

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