Chapter 9

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That night, Virgil couldn't sleep. This wasn't unusual but this time it was worrying him. The reason he couldn't sleep was because his thoughts were straying quite close to a certain pompous thespian prat. At quite close was too close for Virgil's liking. He hated Roman, he had to keep reminding himself of that. He hated Roman and his perfect hair and his perfect voice and his perfect eyes and his perfect face. He hated everything about Roman's perfect life. He. Hated. Roman Winston! Roman Winston was a prat so why was he regretting not watching his show? He hated Roman and he hated the theatre. Right? No, there was no question about it. Roman was a prat, if admittedly a handsome one. He was a huge flirt and this was how he won the game. By getting Virgil to think about him at night. Trying to expel all thoughts of Roman from his head, Virgil turned over to check his clock. The flashing numbers read 00:30. It was past fucking midnight! Cursing Roman once again, Virgil turned away from his clock and shut his eyes firmly, persistent on getting some sleep. He eventually fell asleep at 1:20 and slept through his alarm.


"Hey Virgil! What took you so lo-wow, you look like shit." Remus said.

"Are you alright Virgil?" Janus asked

"No. I slept through my alarm. Only woke up 10 minutes ago." Virgil tugged his hood over his eyes even more "Didn't have time to do my make-up so I look like a normal human now. That's not fun."

"If you ask me, you look better without all that pale shit on your face."

"What the fuck are you doing here Roman?" Remus yelled. Roman shrugged and laughed, infuriating Virgil even more. "That 'pale shit' on my face is my style."

"Well it's a terrible style, Hot Topic."

"Shut up Princey."

"Where'd the nickname come from?"

"Since you think you're fucking royalty I thought I'd give you a nickname to match. Now get out of my face before I make you."

"You?" Roman laughed "You're so short! What're you going to do? Kick me in the ankle?"

"Ro, don't give Virgil ideas." But it was too late. Roman had already received a sharp blow to his ankle. "Now, if the message isn't clear enough, Princey, get the fuck away from me." Roman rolled his eyes, winked at Virgil and walked off, limping ever so slightly.

"Hey, you good Virgil? You look very red."

"Oh, er, really?" Virgil said, putting a hand on his own cheek. Janus was right. He could feel his flushed cheeks. "God dammit, Roman" Virgil thought "I think it's just the cold." He said.

"Virgil, it's the hottest day in October." Remus said, not buying Virgil's excuse. Virgil panicked. He couldn't tell Janus and Remus that he liked Roman. They'd practically disown him from the friend group! "I think it's just because you're used to seeing me with pale make-up that me looking like an actual human looks odd. Let's just go to school now. Please?" Virgil begged. Remus shrugged and didn't pursue the topic but Virgil could tell that he didn't buy his excuse.

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