Chapter 1

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"Um, excuse me?" Virgil asked, tapping a boy on the back "I'm new here. Where's Room 8?" The boy turned around and Virgil's breath caught in his throat a little. Half of this boy's face was scarred and burnt as if he'd been in a fire. He noticed Virgil staring at it and smiled. "Odd isn't it?"

"I-I didn't mean to be rude it's just-"

"It's fine. I'm pretty used to the stares by now. You'll get used to it quickly. I'm Janus, by the way." He said, sticking a hand out for Virgil to shake. "Virgil."

"So you wanted to go to Room 8?" Janus asked. Virgil nodded and Janus checked his watch. "My boyfriend should be here soon. His form's Room 8 as well so he should be able to help you. Ah, here he is now." Janus waved at a figure in the distance. Virgil looked out to see the same boy from town only this time he'd traded his crop top in for a green T-shirt with the name of some band written across it. He waved back to Janus and ran over. "Oh, hey." He said, smiling at Virgil "You're the kid from town, right?" Virgil nodded and Janus coughed slightly to get the boy's attention. "Remus, this is Virgil. Virgil, this is Remus, an absolute idiot."

"Correction. I'm your idiot."

"Rem, I didn't fucking stutter." Janus said but he still smiled a little. "Rem, Virgil needs to get to Room 8 and seeing as you know where Room 8 is-"

"Say no more, Janus. I shall escort young Virgil here to Form Room."

"I'm not that short." Virgil mumbled. Remus grabbed his hand and dragged him into the school building, waving to Janus as he went.

Remus dragged Virgil down various corridors before stopping outside a room. "Here we go." Remus said brightly, holding the door open for Virgil. "Room 8." Virgil entered the room with Remus not far behind him. Virgil could tell this by Remus yelling "What's up, Fuckers?!" as soon as he entered the room. Virgil sat at the back of the class, humming an MCR song since he wasn't allowed his headphones before being called up to the front of the class by the teacher. "We have a new student. Virgil, would you like to come and introduce yourself to the class?"

"Um, hi. I'm Virgil Thompson, he/him pronouns, I'm 15 and that's about it." Virgil trudged back to the back of the classroom but not before another student caught his eye. Talking to Remus lazily was the same cute guy from town. Virgil felt his face heat up a bit and almost ran all the way back to his seat. Of course that cute jerk was his classmate! "Just my luck." Virgil thought bitterly as the bell rang for the end of Form Time.


Virgil trudged out of school at the end of the day, headphones on full blast and hood all the way up. He was shoved out of the way of the doors by the cute jerk from Form Room being chased by two guys in glasses who were both blushing furiously. Janus helped Virgil up while Remus chased after the guy intending to "teach my brother a lesson" as he put it but Virgil was pretty sure he saw Remus take a model morningstar out of his pocket. "You okay Virgil?" Janus asked, worry written across his face. Virgil shook him off and smiled slightly. "I'm fine, Janus. Who is that guy anyway? That's the second time he's shoved me in two days." Janus's face contorted in disgust. "That is Roman Winston, Remus's brother. Thinks having the same name as an English monarch makes him the king of the whole fucking school. He's most definitely the most popular boy and he says he's the greatest actor but I don't think he is. He's also a bigger flirt than Remus and that's saying something." Confusion clouded Virgil's face at the last statement so Janus thought it'd be best to clarify. "Remus is an... interesting person to have as a boyfriend. He's got a mind dirtier than the whole school and he flirts with everyone, no matter their gender or sexuality. He hasn't done anything to you yet because you're new and he does know some boundaries. If you ask him to stop, he usually will."

"Hey, Virgil?" Remus asked, suddenly appearing by Janus's side clutching a slightly more bloodied model morningstar "D'you wanna walk home with me and Janus? We live about ten minutes on that side of the school." Remus said, jerking his thumb behind him. "Oh, sorry guys. I live over in the opposite direction." Virgil said, genuinely sorry. He liked these weird friends he'd made. Janus shrugged. "That's okay. Should we swap numbers then? So we can keep in contact with each other?" Virgil nodded and whipped out his phone. Once they all had each other's numbers they said goodbye and went their separate ways, Virgil a great deal happier than he had been coming to school.

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