Chapter 8

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"Why aren't you watching the show kiddo?" Virgil looked up from his phone.

"Oh, um. Musicals aren't really my 'thing'." Virgil said. "What about you?"

"It's too sad for me. And I don't understand half of what they're saying." Virgil looked at Patton incredulously. Was this guy's mind some sort of radio that tuned out swears? "So, why're you here?"

"Oh, um, just waiting for my friends. One of them is Roman's brother so-"

"Hey, haven't I seen you before? I bumped into you, didn't I?" Virgil nodded. The other guy stuck out his hand "I'm Patton." Virgil smiled slightly but didn't shake Patton's hand "Virgil. You're the other nerd he hangs out with, aren't you?"

"Well, I wouldn't really call myself a 'nerd' as such. Although Roman does call me and Logie nerds. A lot."

"But, I mean, Logan is a nerd, isn't he? He aces basically any and every class except art. You know," Virgil said, laughing slightly "he asked me to help him with his art."

"So... you're friends with Logie then?" Patton asked. Virgil nodded but didn't comment. Patton sighed and sat on the wall near the theatre. "You good Patton?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just bored. Logie's insisted he must watch Hamilton to check how realistic it is but now I've got no one to talk to."

"Oh, so do I not count then?" Virgil asked, pretending to be offended.

"No, kiddo. I don't mean that. I wasn't thinking, sorry." Virgil smiled at this boy's sincerity with his apology. "It's fine, Pat." he said, sitting down next to Patton. "Anything you're interested in? Like, a school subject or anything?"

"I like Music and English. Not that good at anything else."

"Hey, I'm sure that's not true. D'you suppose it's over yet?" Virgil asked, nodding his head towards the theatre. As an answer, people suddenly started pouring out of the theatre. Virgil stood up, looking for his friends. He found Remus easily. Remus was wearing his signature green crop top and black choker necklace. Janus wasn't far behind. Virgil waved them over.

"Heya Patton." Remus said cheerfully, still holding Janus's hand.

"Hi Remus." Patton said, a little pale. He clearly hadn't forgotten their last encounter. Neither had Janus. "Rem, I think you'd better be going. Roman'll no doubt want to hunt you down and recite the play to you word for word even though he knows you've already seen it."

"Shit, you're right. Gotta run guys. Bye." He said before running off, dragging Janus with him. Virgil couldn't help but laugh at this bizarre sight.

"What's Hot Topic laughing at now?"

"How?! How do you just suddenly appear?!" Virgil yelled, startled by Roman's sudden appearance.

"Magic, Hot Topic. Magic."

"Well, I'm going. See ya, Pat. Fuck off, Princey." And Virgil ran off after Remus and Janus.

"If I didn't know better, Roman, I'd say your usual 'charms', as you call them, are not working on Virgil."

"I don't need the obvious pointed out to me, Microsoft Nerd."

"Don't be so mean to Logie!" Patton said. Both Logan and Roman were surprised by this outburst. "All he does is help you and you do nothing for him in return!"

"Patton, Patton really, it is quite alright."

"Logie, no it isn't. I won't have this." Patton hugged Logan tightly around the waist, causing Logan to turn red. "I love you, Logie." Patton mumbled into Logan's chest, making him blush even more. "I, um, I love you too, Patton." Logan said, patting Patton awkwardly on the back. Roman was laughing his head off at this bizarre sight. "Roman, apologies to Logan. Now."

"Sorry Logan."

"It's quite alright Roman." Logan said, smiling slightly.

High School Problems (completed)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin