Chapter 7

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My excuse for writing this short chapter that has no meaning in the story? Demus. That's my excuse.

"Are you going to Roman's performance?" Janus asked Remus, scrolling through his phone. Remus laughed, his head resting on Janus's chest. "Does it look like I have a choice? Besides, Hamilton isn't so bad." Janus looked at Remus sceptically before rolling his eyes and going back to his phone. "I can always tell when you're lying, Rem."

"I should think so. I'm lying on your bed right now." Janus couldn't help but smile at his boyfriend's stupid joke. "You," he said, kissing Remus's nose "are going to be the death of me."

"You chose this buddy." Remus said jokingly.

"Oh, so it's buddy now, huh?" Janus asked. Remus nodded, grinning at Janus. Janus rolled his eyes, leaned down and kissed Remus. Surprised, Remus kissed back. When Janus pulled back, Remus pouted. "Me want more." He said in a mock-baby voice. This made Janus laugh.

"Sorry Remus but oxygen is essential to survival."

"Oh shut up Janus. I didn't choose a nerd for a boyfriend."

"Funny. I seem to remember it was you who asked me on a date first day back at school last year." Remus blushed slightly at this and sat up. "Rem, what are you doing?" Janus asked. He soon got an answer by Remus fiercely kissing him. Janus inwardly rolled his eyes but kissed his boyfriend back. When they broke apart, Remus was still slightly pink. "You're a goofball, Rem."

"I'm your goofball." Remus said, poking Janus in the arm.

"True." Janus said before returning to scrolling through his phone. Remus huffed very dramatically but (seeing as he was going to get no reaction out of Janus) lay back down, his head on Janus's chest.

I'm sorry, okay? I just really wanted to add some cute demus thing into the story and I just got the idea so there!

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