Chapter 16

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Virgil heard a voice coming from the Drama Department and went inside to investigate. He wasn't really surprised to find Roman facing the stage, singing through all the songs of Hamilton. Virgil sat in the auditorium, watching Roman singing until he decided to join in. "1776." Roman sang "New York city." (A/n Virgil. Roman)

Pardon me, are you Aaron Burr, sir? Roman looked around at Virgil, surprised. Then he smiled and continued with the song.

That depends, who's asking?

Oh, sure, sir
I'm Alexander Hamilton, I'm at your service, sir
I have been looking for you

I'm getting nervous

Sir, I heard your name at Princeton I was seeking an accelerated course of study  When I got sort of out of sorts with a buddy of yours I may have punched him it's a blur, sir He handles the financials?

You punched the bursar?

Yes, I wanted to do what you did
Graduate in two, then join the revolution he looked at me like I was stupid I'm not stupid
So how'd you do it, how'd you graduate so fast?

It was my parent's dying wish before they passed

You're an orphan, of course I'm an orphan
God, I wish there was a war
Then we could prove that we're worth more than anyone bargained for

Can I buy you a drink?

That would be nice

While we're talking, let me offer you some free advice
Talk less


Smile more


Don't let them know what you're against or what you're for

You can't be serious

You wanna get ahead?


Fools who run their mouths off wind up dead

Roman broke off, laughing. Out of habit, Virgil tugged at his hood. "What's so funny?" He mumbled, climbing onto the stage with Roman. "You told me you hated Hamilton." Roman said, coming quite close to Virgil. "Well, circumstances change." Virgil said, his eyes fixed on a point above Roman's head. Roman leaned down to Virgil until their foreheads were almost touching and Virgil could feel his face heat up but he didn't pull away. "And what changed Hot Topic?" Virgil swallowed before replying. "You." He mumbled. This was all Roman needed. He smiled and closed the gap between him and Virgil, kissing him. Virgil stood there in shock for a second or two before kissing Roman back. When Roman pulled back, his face was pink and Virgil felt as if his own face were on fire. Roman suddenly laughed again. "What's so funny this time, Princey?" Virgil asked defensively. Roman laughed again and shook his head at Virgil. "I've just never seen your eyes sparkle like that before."

"Like what?"

"Like they're full of starlight." Virgil rolled his eyes but couldn't help smiling. "Save your cheesy analogies for someone who actually cares." He said. This made Roman laugh again. "I think you care a great deal seeing as you just kissed me." Virgil blushed even harder if it was possible. You could even see this blush faintly through his make-up. "So... Hot Topic?"


"Would you maybe want to go on a date with me sometime?" Roman asked, looking at his shoes. This made Virgil laugh. He'd never seen Roman so embarrassed and abashed before. "Sure. I'd love to." He said, grinning, before trying not to float on air as he left the theatre.

A/n: Was that a bad ending? Sorry if it was.

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