Chapter 14

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Virgil was sitting alone at lunch when Remus just suddenly plopped down next to him. "Hiya Virgil." He said almost too cheerfully. Virgil didn't look up at him. "What do you want?" He asked. All the smile left Remus's face and he looked down. "I'm sorry." He mumbled. "I was a dick." Virgil laughed slightly. "You still are a dick." He said good-naturedly "What changed your mind?" Remus cleared his throat. "Roman and I... talked."

"He threatened you with his sword didn't he?"

"Um, yes." Remus said, laughing a little as well "But also, I felt really bad after the cinema incident and my pride doesn't hold up for that long so..." Remus trailed off. Virgil smiled slightly and pulled Remus into a brief hug, much to his surprise. "It's cool Remus." Virgil said, standing up and dumping his tray in the bin. "Where's Janus?"

"Boo." Janus said from behind Virgil, making him jump. Janus let out a laugh at this and Virgil shook his head, laughing too. The three left the dining hall. There were a few guys lurking outside the doors ("Waiting to ambush me." Virgil supposed) but they quickly disappeared once they saw Remus. This made Virgil laugh even harder.

"What's so funny Hot Topic?" A voice from behind Virgil asked.

"Did you guys hear something?" Virgil asked Remus and Janus, both who looked confused with Virgil's sudden change in his tone of voice. "I thought I heard an annoying little bitch but it must just have been me." Virgil said cheerfully before walking away from a bemused Remus and Janus and a very hurt Roman.


"So... you told him?" Remus clarified for the hundredth time. Virgil put his head in his head and growled slightly. He had kind of forgotten how annoying Remus could be. "Yes. I told him and I immediately regretted it afterwards." Remus tried to look sympathetic while trying not to laugh and Janus snickered slightly. Virgil glared daggers into them and pulled his hood further up his head. "I know I was an idiot. I knew that as soon as I got home and he started texting me."

"What did you tell him?" Remus asked. Virgil looked at him, a little confused. "What did you tell him?" Remus repeated. "He brandished his sword at me and asked me why I had made you hate him." Virgil face-palmed.

"I told him that you told me he was going to break my heart. I'm sorry. But you didn't make me hate him, I already hated him." Remus smiled at Virgil before running off. "What's he going to do?" Virgil asked

"Most likely he's going to go and yell 'Suck on that' at Roman." Janus said, sitting down. Virgil laughed almost disbelievingly at Remus. "Yep. Rem is a weird guy. Sometimes I question what made me say yes to him in the first place."

"Pity?" Virgil asked, making Janus laugh.

"Most likely."

"But hey, you said yes to him and you haven't regretted it." Janus nodded and patted Virgil on the shoulder. "Maybe you should apply that to your own life. Say yes once in a while rather than no." Before Virgil could object or question Janus, the bell rang and they had to go to their next lesson.

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