Chapter 11

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"Hey Virgil?"

"What Remus?"

"Are you sure you don't have a crush on my brother?" Virgil swallowed and tried to keep putting eyeshadow on calmly. "What makes you think that?"

"You just seem to be laughing at him more. You know, he doesn't piss you off as much." Virgil put his eyeshadow down, suddenly angry. "Remus, don't you have someone else to annoy?" He snapped. Remus looked at Virgil, surprised and then hurt. Slowly, he retracted his head from Virgil's doorway and trudged down the stairs.

"Janus! Virgil's being mean." Remus whined, flopping onto the couch next to Janus who didn't look up from his phone. "Oh? What did you do this time?"

"I just asked him about his crush and he got angry with me." Janus looked at Remus as if he were stupid. "Well of course he was angry at you. He clearly doesn't want to talk about it."

"When you guys are done discussing my life on my couch, we're going to miss the film. Let's go."


"Hey brother, Hot Topic and Snake-Face."

"Roman, can you not just leave us alone for one minute?!" Remus asked, annoyed. Roman shrugged and laughed. "No can-do brother because Hot Topic has caught my eye and when I see something I like, I take it."

"Nope, nope, nope. I'm out. Suddenly, I want to see this movie a lot less." Virgil said, pulling his hood over his face to hide the blush that was just noticeable through his pale make-up. Roman noticed this of course and laughed at Virgil. "Aww. Did I fluster you, Hot Topic?"

"Don't make me kick you again." Virgil muttered. Remus rolled his eyes. "Leave the kid alone, Ro." Roman shook his head, grinning like a maniac. "Nope." Janus shook his head, grabbed both Remus and Virgil and dragged them outside the cinema.

"Pull yourself together, both of you." He scolded Remus and Virgil.

"I wasn't doing anything, Janus! I was protecting little Virgil here who's too gay to function around my brother." Remus said, a steely note in his voice. He stared daggers at Virgil who knew the game was up. "Okay fine! I may have a small crush on Roman. I can't help it!" Virgil said. Remus shook his head at Virgil, slightly disgusted. Janus, on the other hand, looked worried. "Virgil, this isn't good. Roman's way to much of a flirt to-"

"You think I don't know that?!" Virgil yelled, cutting Janus off "You think I don't know that all of this is just some sort of game?! I hate the fact that I like Princey but I can't help it! So, sorry Remus. Sorry for feeling human emotions. You can kick me out of the friend group if that makes you feel any better." And Virgil just walked away, hood up and headphones in.


"Janus, don't. I know it was wrong but he's my brother and this is my best friend. I can't allow that."

"Rem, I know but you shouldn't have reacted like that. It isn't Virgil's fault he likes your brother."

"But Roman would break Virgil's heart! Virgil doesn't need another heartbreak. I'm worried about him. This is all part of Roman's game!" Remus was getting frantic now, pulling at his own hair, his face devoid of any colour. Carefully, Janus took Remus's hands away from his head. "C'mon Rem. Virgil's smart. He should know what he's getting into with Roman. Right now, there's nothing we can do. Come on. We should still be able to catch the last viewing if we're quick." And Janus walked Remus into the cinema. Right now, there really was nothing they could do.

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