2|Heaven's Angel

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I now finally had the courage to speak when you stretched your hands out to me. I was skeptical at first, but after looking into your eyes and seeing the troubled light you had inside. I saw myself in you and I decided to take a risk.

I took your hand and you helped me to my feet. You pulled all the daggers and foreign instruments out of my body and once I was a bit better, I embraced you with the last ounce of love I had inside. From here I saw the darkness covering the light in you started to decimate.

From here I felt my light ignite once more. Small but alive, it continues to grow every moment I'm around you. You've been everything I have been searching for all my life and your embrace warms my inner being.

There's nothing I won't do to keep you at my side for the rest of my life. Your wings spread wide as we soar the skies and I have no intention of releasing my grip around your waist which leaves me with hope.

Every minute that passes I realise what I've been missing and it hurts to know that it took me almost thirty years to figure out how love is supposed to feel. Just when I thought things couldn't get any better, you offered me a peice of your fruit.

You promised me I'd like the taste and it would keep me coming back, but I highly doubted it. Once I mustered the courage to partake of your sustinance, I was proven wrong. You knew perfectly well that I couldn't leave once I fell victim to your fruit and I don't blame you.

You saw the hurt in my soul and you drew to me like we're magnets, but even though I was in a dark place, I still mustered the mustard seed of love I had remaining and gambled it on you. There was only two ways this could go at this point.

Either you rejected me and I grew heartless towards any and all persons that may enter my life, or you accept me and help me to grow my love once more so you can benefit from each and every day of helping each other's flame sustain its heat.

I may not have the best of luck, but with you I believe that things are going to be well again. That I can be myself and not fear the evil that the world procuces on a mass scale. It's like we've been kept captive in two seperate jails and because of a transfer, we've met and grown fond of each other.

The loyalty that we have for each other is one that I'm not sure had ever been shown in this world thus far. I mean, sure there's love in the world, but not the pure innocent love that God wants us to have for one another. I feel as if we have stumbled upon an ancient artifact and we will cherish the moment of discovery for years to come.

All our friends-once we go public about it, would be happy for us and there's no way that we would let anyone come in between our artifact. One day to come, life will present us with the opportunity to go all the way and even though I was burnt once before, I'm willing to gamble once more with you.

For I am confident in all aspects of my soul that you are the one I should have waited for. I say this because I am not just in love nor just happy but I'm just so in love and happy that if I'm not careful, I'll go batshit crazy. The asylum for happy people would welcome me with open arms, but I may have to be transferred to the asylum for sad and depressed individuals, since I'd no longer be free to see you on a daily basis.

I pray to God for control and sustainability in these times of turmoil in the world. Not just for me, but for us and everyone else out there. We can't be the only truely happy couple out here, since I know for a fact that someone will always try to seperate us both.

We're two strong individuals and I pray one day to gain your trust in such a way that the last thing that burnt you, you'll allow me to gain the ability to partake. He was immature for what he did and there's no way he could be forgiven for his obsession.

He was your assassin and he did to you what mine did to me. The only difference is that you had one prior to the last that you allowed to hurt you for almost thirty years. You are stronger than you know and there's no two ways about that. I don't think I'm that strong to take all that abuse for so many years and come out doing okay for yourself-as yourself.

You encourage me to be the winged guardian you know I can be and you're willing to stand with me to accomplish my dreams one step at a time. There's no other woman out there that has the intellectual physique as yourself to push me in the right direction.

You're truely an angel from heaven and I can never stress enough on that. Anyone who had you fefore must have been some sort of retarded to have let you go without allowing you to experience this type of love, but I'll shake their hands firmly as I know that it's because of their unfair treatment, that I now have the opportunity to experience the best woman that I have ever encountered.

You may sit here and think that I may be infatuated by the thought of you and not being lonely, but it's more than that. It's actually the fact that I've found this diamond at such a late stage in my life and I know just how genuine you are to me. God knows just the right moment to send his angels and you were injected into my life at the right moment in time.

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