10|Peace And Comfort

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You left at 9 am to return home, but once there, you were a bit uncomfortable. You texted me that you were home and once I replied, you called. Your daughter informed you of a situation at home with her father and he was drinking heavily.

Tonight, you feared the worst, so you wanted to spend the night with me. I welcomed you, but I feared what my mother would say-since she was stuck under the old people's law of sleeping over. She agreed, but her response wasn't comforting.

You got dressed and called me once again. You wanted to get away from south for a but, so you asked if my aunt would mind if we stayed with her for the night. I knew she wouldn't have a problem, but I called just to confirm. Just as I thought, she welcomed us both.

We were then on our way shortly after 10 pm and I drove at a reasonable speed. We got there in about forty-five minutes and got settled within the hour. You were to sleep with my cousin in the air condition room while I took the fan, but you wanted to sleep with me tonight.

Luckily you're so small that both of us could be comfortable on the full-sized makeshift bed in the guest room. We couldn't sleep at once, so we got acquainted a bit better before bed. We spoke a bit before it turned to kissing and touching softly and the slow sex we had, comforted you to the fullest.

You were really wet and glided gracefully on my love until we both climaxed and it was time for bed. You hugged me and we both fell asleep in the arms of each other.


I prayed to God that I didn't snore last night, but I guess I was really tired, so it was unavoidable. You didn't get your full sleep because of it, but you didn't want to wake me to let me know that I snored. That is something I admire about you. You're just so much of a good person that you would sacrifice your sleep for mine.

I felt bad because of it and assured you that I wouldn't mind if you woke me anytime I snored. After all, this thing goes both ways. Selfishness can never make for a proper relationship and once there is selflessness from both parties, then things would run a bit smoother.

We finally got off the bed and brainstormed on what to eat for breakfast. We finally decided on doubles and aloo pies from the vendor at the market. We took my cousin along for the ride and when we arrived, I parked a distance away-as to avoid traffic.

I got out and there were only a few persons in front of me, so I waited in line-which moved a bit faster than I thought. We got our food, now we sat in the car while we consumed it. Once finished, we returned to my aunt's home where we retired to the bedroom to take a bit of a nap.

I couldn't sleep just yet, so I closed my eyes just for a minute. We then made our way to the living room, where we sat and mingled with my aunt and uncle for a bit. We had a relaxing day with them and my cousin enjoyed herself with us as well.

We were at the house, the majority of the time, but we also went around driving and finding excuses to go around exploring. While driving, I held your hand and kissed it ever so often while I looked at you trying to hide the fact that you were blushing.

You're always amazed at the fact that you waited so late in your life to find this type of love, but the truth of the matter is not that you waited, but the love found you at a time where we both needed a bit of hope in a hopeless situation.

I haven't regretted nor looked back since that faithful day and it shows that you've gotten accustomed to this love to turn back yourself. It's amazing that it took someone my age to show you what this thing called love consists of. Either way, I'm thankful I can make you feel so wanted and loved.

It took such a short space in time to fall in the soft warm embrace of each other's arms. This was mostly influenced by our significant other and the mental abuse along with the unfaithfulness in their hearts. Now we're closer than ever and we have peace of mind with a handful of comfort that can never be disturbed.

If joy cometh in the morning, then we've been living only in the morning period of the day since we've met. There's no other explanation for the joy we feel when we're together unless we've both been drugged and transported to happy land.

We have been like this for one month and a week, no brakes-full speed ahead. Cloud nine has never felt this good-I'm guessing because my love life has been a lie all this time and you have never known what real love is for twenty-eight years of being together with someone.

There are a lot of persons I thought had a happy life with their significant other, but only to realize that a lot of pretty women and good men I knew were going through the worst. A good heart is the easiest to hurt and get broken, but because of the way we grew up, we can't derive from our habits and morals.

When two good-but broken people come together and start a relationship despite their past experiences, it makes for a perfect moment. Speaking from experience, I can say that I never thought I'd have this and I never thought I'd been betrayed like this. We found each other in the right moment in time and I will never stop preaching it.

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