5|Queen Of Hearts

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There's nothing more romantic than staring into the eyes of the woman you love the most after missing her all day. When she's at work and I have my day off I try my best to find things to do to keep myself occupied, so I won't be too bored. I text her in-between her workday to make sure she has eaten and if she's okay.

These are the things I know we as men are supposed to do for the women. Although independent, sometimes I know to myself as the man I need to spoil and appreciate you-which I have no problem doing. You call after work to tell me that you're on your way and I was thoroughly surprised because you didn't have intentions of coming today.

I instantly began preparing myself and my surroundings for your arrival. Once you pulled into my driveway, I instantly looked at you and found myself starting. I've never seen you look so stunning-although I've seen you in amazing clothing. I was in awe-not shock, mostly because I know you're capable of dressing to impress.

Now here we are, laying on this bed, eyes making four and a brief moment of listening to each other breathe. This is the love of my life and at this moment all I could think about is kissing her. I'm sure she has the same thoughts, but I search her eyes to find the answers. I lean in to kiss her lips as I continued staring into her eyes. I start at her lips and moved to her neck. Her breathing heavied and she reached for the comfort of my genitals while her other hand wraps around my neck, holding me tight.

My hands reach into the back of her blouse and with one hand I disconnected her bra. She opened her eyes and smiled at me with the horniest giggle ever and I unbuttoned her jeans before pulling them off her legs. She began taking off her blouse and I also ditched my trousers, leaving it on the carpet. I returned to the bed and continued kissing her and biting her lips.

She reached once more for my genitals and as I entered, she gasped a deep breath. She stared into my eyes and smiled as I continued thrusting my penis into her. She was enjoying my love so much-as she always does. Once she came, we switched positions and I deepened my strokes as I was in doggy position.

My queen was now off her period, so she urged me to let all my fluids go inside of her-which I did. I waited almost a minute before making sure I was finished, then I pulled out and we fell to the bed trying to catch both our breaths as if it was escaping captivity. Once we caught our breath, she lay on my hand and we kiss as we cuddled and continued our staring match.

She enjoyed the sex and was satisfied with me. We then began to watch a bit of television before you felt for something to eat. I paused the movie and we decided what we wanted to eat. The menu was, of course, something we hadn't eaten in a while and required a brief drive to Debe. We got dressed and made our way there and bought some doubles and aloo pies before sitting in the air-conditioned comfort of your vehicle and eating.

We were filled before we made our way home and we then took off the movie and began playing some back in times music. The mood was set and we continued where we left off. There was no time to waste as you were only here for a few hours. We spoke a bit about our past and the experience we both had.

I was the one with the most experience-although you're older, so I spoke more so you can listen and understand me as an individual. You didn't seem to be afraid, so I was happy about that-since I didn't want to be feared, just respected. I have no doubts in my mind about us and I pray it stays that way forever.

You get me so high when we're together. It's like I'm an addict and you're my drug of which I can't get enough of. Rehab wouldn't help in any way as absence makes the heart grow fonder, so I continue to take my drug in proportions that are healthy for me.

As she looked at the time, so did I. She had to leave soon and I grew sad as I thought about it. I wish there was some way she could have spent the night, but I couldn't push anything so early in our relationship. Although she didn't mind staying, we tried our best not to make certain things obvious to others.

Who needed to know about our relationship had already known, so the remainder of persons were kept out of the loop until we came out public with it. There was always a challenge in my mind—where communication with your family is concerned, but you made it possible without even thinking too hard about it.

You're truly something else and I applaud the effort you put into this love. That is why I'll never stop showing you this love and just like a drug, I'll keep giving you doses. You're already addicted and I can't complain since you make the time every chance you get to see me.

Life may not be everything we wish, but with persistence, we will make it into whatever we deserve. The shaping of our destiny continues to be in our hands, hearts, and minds for as long as we live. You and I are bounded by spirit now that we've had sex more than a few times and now I can think of you before you have the urge to call within the same minute.

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