4|Savior's Grace

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Within the span of a week, we've grown to love each other more than we've ever thought possible. We actually just got into this relationship for the sex, but I knew where we'd eventually end up.

I was born with the ability to see things in a way that most don't ever get to experience, so I agreed to partake in the sex you deserved since I knew the moment you'll fall in love with me.

You really believed that you couldn't love again, but my goal was to infiltrate and conquer to the point that your frozen heart could be warmed again one way or another. I have accomplished just what I came to do and now we're a couple with more in common than the love of sex.

Your kisses are genuine and the way we look into each other's eyes just brings extra warmth to the soul. There's no limit to what we can do together since you have the formula needed to accomplish our hopes and dreams. I can never see myself without you and I pray that you really do stay with me till the end of time.

There's no way I'm doing what needs to be done for the Lord to have this much favor upon me, but since his grace has fallen upon me, I'll thank him indefinitely until I can't thank him anymore. My eyes may reflect my heart, but behind these spectacles only you are able to see what I really feel.

Too good to be true may be assumed, but I'll always be this way until my last breath. On my death bed I'll make you laugh one last time before I go—and before you cry tears of sorrow, know that I have lived a happy life because of you. You've fulfilled your purpose from the lord and I thank you both for bestowing this type of love upon my depressed being.

My heart is in good hands and from this day on, there's nothing I cannot do with the help of my woman at my side. One day to come—once the lord would have it, I'll marry you and make you the happiest woman in the world.

Money doesn't make people happy—if anything, it actually makes them more miserable. Love is the currency we need and he who has an abundance of love is truly the richest individuals on earth. I pray for long life, healthy bodies, and relationships, so that we may pass on the formula necessary to help make the world a better place.

I smile when I know you're coming over, but when you leave I lay here thinking of the fun we just had. I'm not obsessed in any way, but the thought of finding a diamond in the rough that accepted the hand that held it, is truly a blessing—or so to speak.

After work, appointments, and errands, we can't wait to see each other or even send a text message. It's like life interrupts our connection to the server of love and once we're on our mobile device, we're connected again. At least for a temporary moment in time, we can get a bit of comfort, but the true moment of peace and love resides in the actual meeting of each other.

Whether it's far or closer to home, we'll always be happy when we're about to meet up. Even if it's for two hours, I've never been so excited to see someone this much. You're truly someone special and I have promised you to be here with you for as long as I live. The hopes and dreams you give to me is one that is invested in the right person. The way to my heart has been fulfilled and I assure you that you've never had anything to worry about with me.

I'll forever make u smile and you will always be comfortable in your skin around me. You're beautiful and amazing in every way possible and I don't think that there's anyone who could have gotten through to me in such a way. From the first day we've met, you told me that you know exactly how to treat a man and I believed you.

I took your hand, not out of desperation or spitefulness, but out of love and togetherness. I saw what you needed, so why not take this all the way. We don't have much time on this earth, so the more chances you get to make someone happy, the more you succeed at life.

Life is just one big exam and your time here is spent completing said tests. Relationship is the most difficult subject and there's no two ways about that. Many have good partners, but everyone has their own flaws they're dealing with. The choice is yours to choose your lifelong exam partner or your temporary assistant.

We've chosen the wrong partners and have exchanged for better ones at this point. The tears never came when I said goodby since you were already here with me comforting this troubled individual. You've acquired your target and begun your mission without fail thus far.

My family loves you and I can't believe it to this day. You're really a hell of a woman that any man would and should be happy and proud to have you at his side. Too bad you're already taken and I took the chance to earn your heart in the right moment.

You and I are inseparable to this day and each time I think of you I become a bit more attracted to you. Nothing is promised to any of us on this earth, yet some of us find happiness in the most hopeless times. Pandemic is still going about its natural intended course and we're here just having sex and cuddling as a married couple that is newlywed.
I'd have it no other way, to be honest. Not like I'm complaining or anything, but I need you to know just how special you are to me.

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