13|An Early Start

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You left for home early morning in order to retrieve some clothes. We were going to take a trip to the East once again, since I knew you feel extremely safe up there with me. It took you a while and you had to make up an excuse for your daughter not to question you.

Once you returned to me, we made our way onto the highway in the least possible time. The asphalt was wet from the precipitation that had occurred during the night, but now the humidity in the atmosphere were showing signs of more to come and soon.

Just as I said, from the moment we made our way passed Gasparillo, precipitation began once again. I had to adjust my speed, since it's not recommended to speed with the addition of wet asphalt to the equation. It took us about an hour and fifteen minutes to arrive to our destination.

Once we made it to the front yard, the dog noticed us and began wagging her tail. Thereafter, my aunt came out to greet us at the front door. She invited us inside and I proceeded to the bedroom to put the bags inside and change my clothes.

I returned to the living room, where you had already made yourself comfortable and I joined you and my aunt along with my uncle. I sat for a while, before I put some clothes to wash and when I had returned to the bedroom, you had already lay yourself to sleep.

The freedom we have, gave me the permission to lock the door and penetrate you deep, but slow until we both climaxed. I love the way we make love and have intercourse when we're together. It's like we'll never get another chance to participate in this activity and we needed this one chance to suffice.

We eat like it's our last meal and were both clean enough to eat anytime, anyway and anyhow. Once we were both satisfied, we lay ourselves down to sleep for at least a few hours. I opened my eyes and to my supprise, we've been sleeping for at least four hours.

I had gotten the rest I needed, but you still decided to sleep a bit more, so I left you to and I proceeded outside to watch a bit of television. A while later, I saw you had gotten up and you came outside to hug me and watch television.

You're just so cute when you're like this and I love it. We spent the rest of the day, you with my aunt conversating and me with my uncle fixing little things around the house. Since his back isn't too good, I try my best to help him out with as much as I can.

We made about two trips into town to get food and go into the bank. I parked where I could see and rush out in case of anything, but I prayed that it wouldn't have to come to that. You returned to me in the car untouched and safe, so I was happy about that. We made our way back to the house once more and you made your way to my cousin's room because you both have fun together.

My cousin likes you and I couldn't ask for more. You both talk and laugh about girl stuff I guess, because I always hear giggles coming from the bedroom whenever I pass. I watch television and my uncle joins me at any given time he doesn't have work to do in and around the house.

We were spending the night here, so tomorrow morning when you were leaving for work, we would leave at the same time to head back to south where we live. We had slept alot today, in the form of cat naps, but we were well rested by the evening.

My cousin wanted to watch a bit of television and a horror would make her happy, so I found one that we all sat down to view. You were still a bit sleepy, so you retired to bed for a bit and during this time, we were scared intermittently during the course of the movie.

The jump scares we encountered had my cousin screaming and laughing at us while you were asleep—I believe. Once it was finally over, my aunt left for her bedroom and as I was about to erect myself, you came out with your night gown.

You were a bit too late to view the end, but I was now free to go to bed, so you ran back to the room and I locked the door behind me, so that I may be able to make love to you once more before bed.

Its magical how much we have sex, but yet still we don't seem to be overly exhausted after. We may sleep for a bit, but it feels like—because of the time we have together, we don't want to oversleep, so we could have more time to spend with each other.

I kiss ur cheek and forehead after we were finished and I allowed you to sleep at the front of me this time. This way, you would be able to get enough breeze, so you can fall asleep quickly.

Cuddling our way to a great night's rest is most important for us as a couple. Since you love to sleep and I don't, we meet each other in the middle and we stay up till a reasonable time until time for bed. This is where we would cuddle and fall asleep quickly enough for morning not to meet us wide awake.

When last I looked at the time, I saw 1am and I decided that it was about time to drift off into dreamland. You were almost there, so I had to catch up on the night's rest I should have been having already. The night was peaceful until the rain came and covered the area in a blanket of familiar sounds that initiate sleep.

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