12|Forever Isn't So Far Away

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Today has been a typically normal day for me thus far. It's actually my birthday and I've been smiling and talking to everyone as I do on a daily basis. The only difference is that today, I've been treated really special and allowed to do as I please in the workplace.

If there's one thing today had shown me, is that I'm appreciated by my colleagues—one way or another. Today's activities were already planned, so I knew today was going to be special. I couldn't wait for the workday to come to an end since I knew what was in store for me.

The time moved relatively fast as opposed to other days, so I stood there counting down the hours to leave. Once it was time, we left together to pick up the food we ordered. We made it home about fifteen minutes later with food and drinks, but before we started, we waited for my cousin to arrive from work.

We had enough time to organize music for the get together while we waited and during this time, we poured wine and spoke about events and jokes around a bit. Once my cousin returned home from work, we waited for her to settle in before we got started.

This moment couldn't get any worst, as you went through my phone and saw some messages from another coworker who liked me. I have my head on tight and I promised that I would never leave, but I should have also had better judgment and refrain from speaking with this individual. I felt bad, my stomach wrenched and I found it a bit harder to breathe.

I knew then and there I needed to promise you my devotion to you and cut all ties with this individual. I blocked her on all social media and normal calling in front of you and I promised you that things would never get like this again.

The same instance met my cousin asking for food, so we ended the conversation and began the celebration. You specifically told me that you didn't want to spoil my birthday and that things will be okay. This calmed my heart rate a bit and I put in a smile before I returned inside to share the food.

We actually started to cut the cake before we shared the food while my mom and siblings along with you and my brothers started to sing happy birthday. Once it was done, we cut the cake and fed each other a piece before we closed the lid and shared the pizza we bought.

Wine, food, soda, and sweets were the highlights of the evening for the children, but once the lights were off, the adults started drinking their alcohol and dancing while others started their rhythm section and we all had a great time.

You started to get a bit tipsy while drinking and started dancing and coming out of your shell—so to speak, and I started enjoying myself a bit more. We danced, kissed, laughed and beat an instrument, so I know you had a great time.

You never had this much fun, knowing that all you used to do was go to work and return home for approximately twenty-eight years. Men tried to lie to you and demean you with reverse psychology knowing that making you believe that no one would love you, they would have full advantage where leaving them is concerned.

Once the party was over and the rain came, there was a bit of confusion with my mother and myself. My mother doesn't believe in sleeping out, but you were drunk, rain fell and you would be driving late that night. I spoke to my younger brother and he spoke to her—which led to you sleeping over the night.

We took a bath and retired to bed, but first I had to service you properly with all the alcohol in both our systems. I bent you, twisted you, folded you, and compacted you while giving you the full depth of my love with each stroke. If there's one thing I'm sure you can never say to me is that I never gave you my all during intercourse.

We've wanted each other since that same morning, but because of preparation and work, we couldn't have our leisure time. Now, the pressure has been built up and there's no way we can resist each other. Luckily we were already naked, or we'd both have to buy clothes in the morning.

You were wet, steamy, and aggressive in bed tonight and I couldn't be more thankful for a proper end to my birthday. I made sure you felt every inch of me and you made sure of the same with me. I believe I sex you the best you ever had in your entire life and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon.

You make me the happiest I have ever been in my entire life and I only have God to thank for that. I get emotional thinking about such things and I count on you to comfort me when I get this way. I know everything is okay and will be, but there's just a joy you instill into my heart from day one and it hasn't worn down yet.

I believe that this is the love I've been searching for, from the time of my first date till now and you have provided it in abundance without fail, so I will love you always and forever while making sure that no one can ever come in between us.

I know that temptation will come along and in some of the most inappropriate times, but once I stay focused, I'm confident that I will stay faithful to you—especially since I know the art of how to do so. It's all a mental thing and not many persons realize just how much of a mental stimulus temptation really happens to be to the unsuspecting.

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