8|Wrinkle Free Clothing

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We've already established our goals and what we have to establish from our prior relationships. All good things take time and there is just a bit of restriction in relation to the time you have to leave, but for now, we're okay with it, since my main goal hasn't started physically.

Once it's completed, I know things will be better and in many ways different. For one, I'll be able to live with you and once we're home, there's no reason to leave to go to your house. We'll be able to relax in comfort without thinking it hard to get up in order to dress and leave.

If it were up to me, you'd be living here already and we'll be experiencing the most fun and happiness that we can possibly share with each other. I'm not saying that things would be one hundred out of the box, but the more time we spend together and get to know each other as an individual, the more we can understand which buttons to avoid.

I think of you as I open my eyes and once I smell your perfume I sleep with you in my mind as well. One day soon, I also wish to be able to cuddle with you and sleep till morning, knowing fully well that early morning wood would make its way into your slippery vagina eventually activating orgasmic sensations before work.

The term happy wife happy life is not to be taken likely. It is entirely true for most genuine women, but for the rest, it's just a figment of an elusive strategy used to control men. I've seen and experienced a lot in my time of dating, courting, and being married and there's nothing more annoying than wasting that much time on someone who turns out to be ungrateful in the end.

There's no way we can get back the time wasted on the wrong people, so we have to choose wisely, decipher and feel out every individual who comes our way so that we won't be making mistakes and wasting time on unnecessary issues and problems.

There's no guarantee that you and I will be together with no restrictions by the end of the year or within the next few years, but as long as there's the essence of our determination, we'll make it out here together.

Its as if we're separated by a wall in between our borders and the only way to be with one another is at a small hole in the wall. It's something, but I often wonder how long would we have to suffice with this. I may sound impatient, but I'm actually not. Overthinking-maybe, but not impatient.

The thing is that we already have each other and we're happy with ourselves and the fact that we have established a plan, but the fun really begins when we've ironed out all the wrinkles or upgrade to wrinkle-free khakis. I can already tell how spoilt you would be within the embrace of my arms.

This world is a cold one and I'm not about to let either of us freeze to death. The life we want is so close that I can taste it and I'll spoon feed you pieces at a time, just for you to understand just how delectable it would continue to be. With no time for second-guessing or even a bit of unsurity, I'm willing to dedicate the rest of my life to the happiness and love we both have for each other.

There's always room for improvement, since we're humans and not Gods, but once we can make it as close to perfection as possible, then I know we can and will be more contented than we are at this point in time. It feels good to actually make someone as beautiful as yourself feel so warm and tingly inside.

You explained how I make you feel and you compared it to be as effective as a bolt of electricity surging through your body. It's like you've lost all control of yourself, but the only thing you could think about is me. I believe it's the same as the way I feel about you when I had realized that you gave me a chance and were truly genuine about everything you said to me.

You make me feel alive again and I cannot emphasize much more in the way it actually feels without my words sounding repetitive in similar ways. I challenge anyone to try and change my mind about you and our love, but I can guarantee that after the first few seconds, I won't want to hear their analogy nor explanation on the matter.

All we have is this one life to live and I don't want to live it in regret of the slightest. I'm sure that no one does-as a matter of fact, but I can only speak for myself. Diamonds are forever and we are in accordance with such an amazing rock. Our hearts were under immense pressure for years at a time and now that it has gone through the transformation process, we can now give an abundance of love for many more years to come.

Its poetry really-the way we came to be, but only if looked at from the correct angle you truly see the beauty of it all. If looked at from a different perspective, there's going to be a bit of judgemental prejudice, but either way-it's perfect that we don't need any sort of blessing from anyone to continue our relationship.

Only the ones who have been through what we have been through would understand our reasons for our actions-no matter how irrational it may seem to the ones who have no clue of our hardships and experiences. The love we share is one that cannot be found on the top layer of earth. To find this type of love, you must be willing to put in the work to dig deep for long periods of time before actually achieving anything close to ours.

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