chapter 4

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It was a cold day of November and a good day for butterbeer at The three Bloomstrick, so the marauders were going there as Dorcas message them all saying that they need to meet and talk about something important, at first the marauders were really confused as to why suddenly the girls wanted to have a talk and about what?

"What you think? What the girls wanna talk about?" Peter asked while walking

"Who cares? we are going there for butterbeer" Sirius said while walking beside remus

"There must be something?" Remus said while thinking what can be the reason the girl are calling them.

They all reached the three broomsticks and when they enter the shop they  saw the girls sitting in the corner tables, they walked toward them

'Hello ladies, missed me?" Sirius said  and sat beside Remus in front of Dorcas and besides her Lily, Alice, frank and Marlene.

"So what's the matter ladies, you called us?" James asked the girls and look eye to eye with lily, he still remembers what Bella had comments and he wishes nothing but hope that Lily is not mad about it, and suddenly there was silence between them like everyone waiting for someone to speak.

Dorcas took a deep breath and finally asked "why you guys are suddenly hanging out with the Black sisters?"

The marauders look at each other, communicate with eyes, they were confused why girls are asking them this and more confused if they're asking does they know and if they don't then they have to decide whether to tell the girl are not?

"Cause maybe we-uggh-want too?" James replied

"James really? The black sister?" Alice asked with little yell "So what AL they're good people and fun to hang out  with and plus Sirius's  only family" James said while defending them

"Why are you defending them, Potter?" Lily asked while questioning James.

"Cause Evans, THEY ARE GOOD PEOPLE, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" James said with a different tone of voice that he never used for anyone.

"Maybe we should tell them guys" Remus suggested, in all the arguments Sirius was silent and thinking whether to tell them about their family and the suffering they went to

"Okay I'll tell,"  Sirius said while placing a hand on James' shoulder and  return James just nodded

"Okay girl we didn't tell you this but, it's all related to pureblood stuff and all" the stress was showing on Sirius's face how to tell them about what they went through and at that moment Sirius felt a hand on his hand and that hand was of Dorcas

"We are here for you Sirius," Dorcas said with a smile on her face, then he realized they will understand, cause they were his friends.

"As you all know I was was born in the noble and the most ancient house of pure blood The black family, my parents were insane about blood purity and it was every day that they used to teach us how blood purity was important, how pureblood need to rule and how to have no mercy on half-blood or mug blood like they're  our toys to play with and give pain to, but I disagreed with the family's belief in blood purity and that's why my mom always used to punish me with t-the Cruciatus Curse" after hearing this, all-girls gasped and was shocked, like how can a mother use the unforgivable curse on her own child.

" I was the disgrace or disappointed or the black stain of the black family after I was sorted in Gryffindor, cause all my family was in Slytherin, whenever I used to go home in breaks they used to torture me into insanity and used to call me blood traitor, but one day I had enough and left, I went to James's" while saying that Sirius's looked Into James's eyes with a warm smile " he gave me home and love everything I wanted from my childhood, he gave me peace and safety I always wanted to feel and was always there when I had nightmares to hug me with comfort, but most important he showed me I wasn't like my family" Sirius chucked.

" The potter's kind of adopted me as there second son and love me more than him" at that statement James laughed and Sirius smiled

"So fews week ago i saw regulus, bella , cissy and andy's post they were looking terrible but i realized what was happening they were getting tortured like me and at that moment i felt the wave guilt cause they were torturing my reggie too my younger brother, i left that house without tension cause i thought they won't Torture him cause he was there proud son, better then me they used to say cause he was following there steps, but i came to know fews weeks ago that they were hurting him and the black sister, i couldn't stop myself for worrying about them cause they were the people i grew up with and i could understand how the pain feel, so i decided i wanted to help, so i got in touch with them all  and talk to them about meeting, they said yes and we meet here in hogesmead and then i met them all and well i saw them I couldn't believe my eyes cause all of them were in terrible state cause they were getting tortured like i was,even my brother was getting tortured like i was so we planned to ran away and it successed too and again we went to potter's until we found ourselves apartment for and-"

"And that's why we are hanging out with them, cause they are family now" Remus complete Sirius's sentence while giving a smile to Sirius.

"Yea they are family," Peter said

"Sirius you were brave and strong for helping them," Alice said with a tear in her eyes

"Yeah and we wanna meet them too," Mar said

"It will be fun," Lily said

"Yeah it will be, " Dorcas said while giving a squeeze to Sirius's hand

"Thank you guys, I love you all" and in that Sirius walk around and pulled the girls in a hug

"Getaways Sirius you stink"

Okay okay i for the first time wrote 1050 words damn im really happy and sorry if you guys see grammatical mistake but i hope you guys like it cause damn sirius is a freaking HERO okay

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