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The first bit of this chapter will be oikawa's pov! :)

Oikawas pov:

I crossed the street and knocked on (y/n)-chan's door. No answer, I knocked again. Still no answer. I took the keys out of my pockets and opened the door.

I haven been in (y/n)-chan's house in the longest time! I then tip toed my way to (y/n)-Chan's bedroom.

I opened the door. There it was, (y/n)-chan sleeping with her phone beside her. She looks fine, why didn't she come to practice? I looked around the room for a clue. On the walls there were 4 pictures of me, 3 pictures of me and her, 1 picture of Iwa-chan and 2 pictures of us together. Maybe she's sick.

I carefully put my hand over her forehead, she was burning. I panicked. I wanted to call Iwa-chan but he would probably beat me up for even being in (y/n)-chans house! I sat next to (y/n)-chan and took out my phone,


I looked at the picture I took of her, she's so cute!

I was about to get out of her room but I felt something pull me back onto the bed. It was (y/n)-chan!!

She then hugged me. I blushed..

"So warm.." I heard her mumble as she put her face into my chest. Am I dreaming?????????? Iwa-chan would beat me up if he knew this happened.

I just sat there, and fell asleep.

Readers pov:

What is this smell? I opened my eyes, the teddy bear I was hugging in my dream turned out to be...


I sat up very quickly. How did he get here? I sighed and grabbed my phone. I read the messages and chuckled. I turned to look at Oikawa, to only find out that he had woken up.

"Good morning (y/n)-chan." He said while yawning. Why is he acting so normal??? It's not everyday you wake up hugging one of your best friends.

"Good morning." I mumbled trying not to look at his face.

He got up and ruffled my hair, "(Y/n)-chan whats with all these pictures of me? You seem like a stalker-"

"Don't you have a girlfriend?" I said while staring at some of the pictures.

"Huh?? Girlfriend?? Since when did I have a girlfriend?" He said while pouting.

"..." "The girl you kissed yesterday wasn't your girlfriend?" I said while staring into his brown eyes.

"(Y/n)-chan!!!" He said while frowning. "She kissed me! I didn't even lay a hand in her!"

We stared at each other for a minute.

"Anyways," He said. "Why weren't you at practice today? You just disappeared!" He coughed. "Everyone was worried about you, especially me!"

I stared at him for some seconds, and started crying.

Oikawa panicked, he sat down next to me and tried to comfort me.

"(Y/n)-chan!! I didn't mean whatever I said!! I'm sorry!!" He said while patting my head.

I opened my arms out towards him, asking for a hug. I didn't know why I did this but I did.

Oikawa's face turned pink. "H-hug?" He asked.

I nodded and proceed to hide my face in his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and put his chin on my head.

"(Y/n)-chan your acting awfully strange.." He said while ruffling my hair. It was silent for a solid 5 minutes, "Oh! That's right! I felt your forehead last night and you were burning, you don't have to go to school if you don't feel good (y/n)-chan." He said with a serious tone that kind of scared me. But what surprised me more was that he was here since last night. 

I moved my face from his chest, his face was still pink but it was a lighter shade.

"Sorry" I mumbled looking down at the bed. Oikawa looked at me with a curious expression, I pointed to his shirt. I had spots of where I cried. He looked down at it and laughed.

"(Y/n)-chan are you planning to go school today?" He asked.

"You were here since last night?" I asked, ignoring his question. That made him turn more pink.

"(Y/N)-CHAN I PROMISE I DIDNT DO ANYTHING WERID!" He said moving away from me.

I laughed. Then look at him with a serious face. "Give me your hand."

I guess I didn't sound or look serious enough because he laughed but proceed to do so, I put his hand on my forehead.

"Am I hot?" I asked. Oikawa turned red.

"Huh??? What kind of question is that of course!" He said a smirk on his face.

"Wait no! I meant temperature wise!" I said while pouting.

"The answers to both questions are yes, and I'm not going to let you decide but you are not going to school. And I your knight in shining arm is here to take care you!" He said while cupping my cheeks with his hands.

I sighed and removed his hands. "Go make me food." I said while flopping back onto bed.

"Will do, princess."

I felt my face turning pink. I grabbed a pillow and threw it at him. "Hurry up trashykawa." I mumbled.

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