Daniel, Jealous Much?

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Daniel POV~

She got out of the shower first because she takes longer to dry off. I get out next. By the time i'm dressed she's still drying off.
"How'd you do that so fast?" She asks me looking confused.
"I can go faster if you want," I say smirking. She looks at me and then rolls her eyes.
"Daniel James Seavey," she yells.
"What, it's true," I reply.
"Whatever." We go back downstairs, Hayley still has her hair up in a towel. I try to take it off but she pushes my hand. "Don't take it off, it needs to dry," Hayley demands.
"Fine, but I love you're hair wet," I say smiling. She smiles back.
"Okay you two stop flirting in front of all of us," Jonah says.
"Why?" I ask knowing Jonah is always jealous. I don't listen to him, I don't want him to still my girl away from me. I know if stop flirting with her then Jonah will start.
"Because we don't want to see that," Jonah replies.
"Speak for yourself," Jack says. We all stare him in a 'what the actual fuck' way. He looks down at the ground with a smirk, his face was red too.
"Jesus, I just kidding," Jack says. I roll my eyes.
"Weirdos," Hayley says, I laugh at this comment.

Hayley POV~

"Did you make my coffee?" I ask Jonah.
"Yeah, here you go," Jonah smiles and his face turns red. Daniel was listening to us but wasn't looking. I know he was trying to hear Jonah.
"You look beautiful," Jonah says smiling and looking away. I don't think Daniel heard that. Thank the Lord he didn't hear that. He would of gone all John Cena on Jonahs ass.

Daniel gets jealous so easily.
2 days in the past

The other day we were out on a date, but clearly the waiter didn't see that. The waiter gave me his number while Dani was in the bathroom. He got back and asked me what the paper was.
"Nothing," I say knowing that a Daniel is suspicious. He took the paper and opened it fast. He saw a number and read it out loud. "Call me anytime, beautiful, he doesn't have to know xoxo." Daniels face turned red in anger.
"Dani, you're mine and I love you. I only want you and only you. Baby, please don't be mad i'm going to throw the paper away when get home, there's no trash bag around so I can't now," I say trying to calm him down. But it didn't work. Before we got our food he pulled me out the door and into the car. "Get in the car," Daniel says.
"Get in the the car," he interrupts me.
"Okay," I asked confused. I get in the passenger seat and he got in the driver seat. "Baby please don't be mad."
"Be quiet," he says. Damn he's real pissed.
"No talking until we get home!" I don't reply, obviously. We get home and he drags me but the arm inside. He slams open the door. Everyone was in the kitchen and everyone looked up at us. Daniel was still dragging me.
"What are you doing bro," Zach said. I had a terrified look on my face.
"Ow Daniel your hurting me," I say. He was squeezing me tightly.
"Dude your hurting her," Jonah says. He didn't care he put me on the couch and took the note and put it in the trash can.
"What is that?" Corbyn asks.
Daniel replied,"A phone number and a note to Hayley, from the waiter."
"Oh," they all say in unison. They all turn the heads to me.
"I was going to throw it away as soon as we got home, I wasn't going to do anything else with it," I say. My face was red. They were still staring at me so I say, "I promise, I love Daniel and only Daniel."
"I know babygirl," Daniel says.
"Then why drag me home and hurt me," I say.
"I'm sorry, I was mad. I didn't mean to hurt you."
I ran upstairs, I was mad and hurt. Daniel would never hurt me, at least not on purpose.

Daniel POV~ (Still 2 days in the past)

"Damn bro, you made her mad," Jack said.
"Yeah and hurt her, you def made her mad," Jonah says.
"I know, I know," I say. I didn't mean to make her mad or hurt her. I feel so bad, I shouldn't have overreacted. I love her and I don't want anyone to take her away from me. I know she loves me and would never leave me for someone else.

I walk upstairs, I can hear her crying. I knock on the door.
"Go away!" She yells. Damn. I didn't mean for this to happen.
"Baby please I didn't mean t-," I try to continue but she interrupts me before I could say the rest of my sentence.
"I know honey, just.. I need to be alone for a little while," she says sniffing and crying.
"O-okay," I say starting to cry. They all ran upstairs,
"Are you okay," they all ask.
"Yeah," I'm crying a little, "She doesn't want to talk to me right now," I say. "Can one of you talk to her?"
"Yeah, I will," Corbyn says. He knocks on the door.

Corbyn POV~

I knock on the door, no one answers but I can hear her crying. "Please open the door," I ask.
"Fine come in," she says. I walk in and sit by her on the bed.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"What's wrong? He hurt me and made me cry. I love him more then anything b..but it hurts," she says. I know she is hurt but she looks hot. I can't do this to Daniel but she's in pain. When she's mad at Daniel it usually lasts about 3 days. I feel the urge to kiss her but Daniel, he's my best friend. But damn she's hotter then I thought. Her eyes greener the the leafs on a tree on a warm spring day. Her lips small but red. Her hair, don't get me started on the hair. Her hair wavy and brunette. What do I do, omg, I just got a boner, damn it, what if she sees. Crap, she sees it.
"Wow she says," laughing at it. My face turns red.
"You know you look beautiful. It's not my fault," I say.
"Haha your funny," she says. I don't think the others are still upstairs. They went downstairs to talk to Daniel.
"You know Daniel and them are downstairs," I say.
"So," she says.

Present day ( a cliffhanger hehe)
Hayley POV~

Jonah hands me my coffee. He called me beautiful, damn what's up with these boys. None of them have girlfriends. They are way to horny. Should I tell Daniel that Jonahs been hitting on me. No, I don't love Jonah, I love Daniel.

I take my hair out of the towel slowly so I don't pull on my hair. They all stare at me in a 'damn anyone see how hot she is' way. Daniel looks around seeing how they all are staring at me. They all take a sip of their drinks, still staring. "Hey, hey, hey, stop staring," Daniel says. I laugh.
"Weirdos," I say and ran upstairs. But not all the way upstairs, the stairs curve around a wall and I hide behind the wall so I can hear their conversations. No, I'm not being weird, I just feel like somethings going on. I had to hear what they are saying.
"Why do you guys keep staring at her?" Daniel asks.
"No offense Daniel but have you seen her, I know y'all are dating but she's hot," Corbyn replies.
"Hey," Daniel says, squinting his eyes.
"Sorry," Corbyn says.
"But he's not wrong.." I couldn't see who said that. It was probably Jonah but it didn't sound like his voice. Actually, it's a voice I don't think I ever heard. I'm always insecure, not going to lie this helped my confidence.

Haha sorry I left you guys with two cliffhangers. Sorry. And sorry if it's bad again it's my first book.

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