The World Did End

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Daniel POV~

I have a plan. A plan to get my baby back. I want to hold her in my arms and kiss her. I was going to get her back, I knew that. I know she's not going to get over me, she needs me. I understand, I am kind of awesome.

Not that awesome, though, I hurt her, once again. I know it's going to take more time and I needed to work harder.

I look at the time, 8:00 pm, of course. I have to wait until tomorrow to set everything up. I was going to first have a picnic then we will go to the beach. Next, we will go to an art gallery she loves. Finally, if everything goes well, we will go to my house and cuddle.

It's going to work, I know it. Picnics and cuddling is her weakness. I decide that I need help to set everything up.

I go downstairs and see the boys swimming. They love night swimming but I hate it, that's why i'm not doing it. I go out the door and I see them stop what they are doing and look at me.

"Can you guys help me get Hayley back? I know you guys love her but she's the love of my life and I know she's going to need me back."
"You hurt her so many times, I'll help but I wouldn't get your hopes up," Zach says.
"I'll help, I guess," Jonah and Corbyn say. I'm surprised Jonahs going to help, he's always been jealous but I don't question it. I do need all of the help I can get.
"I'm busy tomorrow, sorry, but i'd love to help," Jack says. I know he's lying, he's such a bad liar.
"You should learn how to lie." He looks embarrassed and I chuckle.
"Whatever Jack, I just need some help."

I explain what I want to do. Jonahs going to get the picnic ready, Zach is getting the food for the picnic, Corbyn was going to get the movie and popcorn for the movie night, when me and her cuddle. I'm going to get Hayley and take her to the picnic.

Dress fancy tomorrow and
wear a swimsuit under or
don't it's up to you. Well
it's up to you about the
swimsuit part, you are
coming with me tomorrow
wether you like it or not.
Delivered 8:12 pm

It's been a couple of minutes and still no answer. She hasn't even read it. When she's mad she still reads my texts. Oh well, she's probably tired and sleeping.

~Next Day~

Daniel POV~

I wake up happy, happy that i'm going to get my baby back. We aren't going to do anything until tonight, even though I wanted to do it now but we haven't got anything set up. I remembered that I texted her but never answered so I check my phone.

Still, she hasn't answered, she didn't even read it.

~Time skip to after they set everything up~
Daniel POV~

We just got everything set up and it was time for me to get ready. I put on a suit and did my hair. I walk downstairs.

I say bye to the boys and grab my keys. I drive to her apartment and knock, no answer. I knock again, no answer. I knock again but louder still, no answer. I start to get worried so I try and open the door and it's locked. I try to push it open but I couldn't so I kick the door and finally, it opens.
"Hayley?" I ask worried and I got no answer. I look over to where the bathroom is and I see blood coming from under the door. I walk closer and see more blood. I kick down the door and see her lying there.

She looked lifeless. I see blood all around her and see it's coming from her arms. I try to wake her up but she doesn't move. The only movement was from me shaking her. I checked her pulse and I didn't feel it. I call 911 and the boys. The boys got here first. They start to cry but not as much as Zach and Jack.

911 gets here and tries to do chest compressions and that didn't work. I knew that they knew she was gone but they didn't stop.

After a while they stop. "I'm so sorry but she lost to much blood and she died. There's one more thing, she didn't die today but she died yesterday," the doctor says. What? We were just here yesterday.

After they leave and take Hayleys body in a body bag the boys and I stay. We cleaned up the blood with bleach but we didn't get all out. We stayed for a while and cried, comforting each other.

I go to Hayleys room and grab some of her sweatshirts and hold them close to my chest. They smell like her so I keep them.

She's gone. She's really gone this time, all because of me.

All because I let jealousy get to me.

The End

That's the end of the book! I know it's short but I hope you enjoyed it! Please, please, please vote and share with your friends.

Please check out my other book: So Close Yet So Far

If you have any other ideas for books please let me know! Have a good day/ night!! Byeeeee

5 Boys, 1 Girl, Don't Let Jealously Get To YouNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ